Goosebumps: Wrinkles In The Corners Of The Eyes

Goosebumps are those wrinkles that appear on the outer corners of the eyes. Why do they appear? How can we prevent or reduce them? Keep reading to find out.
Goosebumps: wrinkles that appear in the corners of the eyes

In this article we explain the causes of those wrinkles around the eyes, also called goose bumps. 

We present a series of natural remedies that help reduce them.

Below we recommend several natural treatments that help you keep your body healthy and prevent the appearance of annoying wrinkles called goose bumps.

Tension in the eye area causes wrinkles called goose bumps

One of the causes of the appearance and deepening of these wrinkles is the tension in the eye area. Even if we do not pay attention to this aspect, when we do not see well and we have to squint, we wrinkle the skin in the corner area, thus contributing to the appearance of wrinkles.

It can happen that you do this quite often, especially if your eyes get tired very quickly or if you suffer from vision problems, such as myopia. You must take great care of your eyes and wear appropriate glasses or lenses, recommended by your ophthalmologist. Another recommendation is to try to relax your eyes. How should you proceed?

  • Rinse your eyes with cold water several times a day to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Make it a habit to lightly massage the area around your eyes every day. Use circular movements and start from the inside of the bone near the eyebrows.
  • During the day, after spending several hours in front of the computer or staring at a certain object, rub your hands together to warm them, then place them on your eyelids and hold them there for a few minutes. In this way you will relax your eyes and improve your vision.
  • Close your eyes, relax them and take a deep breath.
Daily massage prevents goose bumps

Weakened liver

Goosebumps in the corner of the eye can have other causes, including weakened liver. What are the factors that led to such a situation?

  • An inadequate diet, rich in saturated fats, refined sugars, preservatives, etc.
  • Unhealthy habits, such as alcohol or smoking
  • Negative energy, nerves, anger

How do we treat weakened liver?

  • Opt for healthier foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  • Drink dandelion tea.
  • Get involved in activities that are good for your mental health.
  • Before lying in bed, put a bottle of hot water on your ribs to calm your liver.
Dandelion strengthens the liver and prevents goose bumps

Silicon deficiency

Around the age of 40, the body begins to lose silicon, an essential mineral for the development of skin tissue, hair, nails, bones, etc. That is why it is recommended to use an organic liquid silicon supplement.

You could also use horsetail supplements, a medicinal plant rich in this mineral.

Caring for the area around the eyes

Last but not least, it is necessary to take care of the area around the eyes with natural products that do not affect the environment. You can use some home remedies. It is a very sensitive region of the face, and treatments must be applied daily, morning and evening.

Rosehip oil and argan oil are ideal for dry or mature skin with wrinkles. Add in any of the two and a little geranium oil, it helps to regenerate the skin.

The oils reduce wrinkles called goose bumps

In addition to caring for the outer area of ​​the eyes to reduce wrinkles, you can also apply the following remedies to relax the eye area:

  • fresh slices of cucumber
  • raw potato slices
  • cold chamomile tea

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