Good People Make Us Happy

You can go through hard and painful moments in which it would be very easy to show selfishness, cruelty or even pride. But you choose to be good.
Good people make us happy

Both receiving and giving are important. We need to distance ourselves from people who cause us discomfort and get closer to good people, to offer positive feelings to those who help us develop emotionally. 

We begin by mentioning that, indeed, no one is good or bad. There is no scientific device for measuring a person’s goodness or evil.

But one thing is clear: we all know that certain people emanate positive or negative energy, which is also reflected in the interpersonal relationships they establish.

Sometimes people act only in their own interest. And when they put themselves first, attacking or deceiving those around them, you can say that they have a negative impact on others. In addition, they are also the ones who make your morale.

But we all have modest and sincere people by our side, who do us no harm. These are good people, who understand what reciprocity and respect mean. They are the ones who make us happy.

People who preach to us and leave scars in our souls

Reading this title, certain people from your past probably came to mind. But you have to think, too, if you haven’t hurt other people yourself.

  • You don’t have to get along with everyone. And sometimes you can disappoint the good people around you.
  • If you have to make a decision that you know will hurt a person in one way or another, you need to be able to justify it. For example, you break up with someone because you are unhappy, because you have stopped loving him / her.
  • Some decisions need to be made, even if you know they will hurt some people. Otherwise, you can cause more suffering.

This means that at some point we all have behavior that others consider negative. Each situation has different shades, sides and levels.

Good people are not afraid of hardships
  • Some people never stop behaving this way. They only seek to satisfy their own needs, understanding that they cause suffering to those around them.
  • These people spend their entire lives in this way, sometimes leaving scars on other people’s souls. Therefore, you have no choice but to remove them from your life and, above all, from your mind. Otherwise, you will always remain a prisoner of their harmful influence.

There is also that category of people who simply do not know how to maintain positive relationships. I’m not emotionally mature enough. They are not able to show respect and empathy. They are often unaware of their words and actions.

Don’t look at these moments as life-changing dramas or failures. Perceive them as important lessons that help you gain more self-confidence and more self-control.

Good and simple people who bring happiness

Good people are modest. It’s like they have a magic dust in their pockets and I don’t know how to be selfish or hypocritical. We’re sure you know a few people like that. There are not many in this world, but there is no need, because only one can give you everything.

The importance of reciprocity

One thing to keep in mind is that nothing can be offered without receiving something in return. If a man treats you well, so do you. You are a team, there must be a balance so that neither of you has anything to lose or gain.

Reciprocity requires a complete understanding of the person next to you. You understand that it deserves respect, you value it as if it were a part of you and you appreciate everything it does for you.

And being aware of these things will make you behave the same way.

Trust connects people to each other

Good people, who enrich your life and help you to be a better person, create an intimate and special connection between you.

  • I look at you as a respectable, strong and admirable person who enjoys the support of loved ones.
  • People who love you do not judge you, do not try to change you and do not betray you. They think of you as themselves, are empathetic and emotionally mature.

In conclusion, you will meet good people and bad people throughout your life and you have to learn something from each of them.

Good people are also beautiful

Avoid carrying heavy burdens that do not help you at all and limit your personal development. Give up the negative things, learn from them and start on a different path.

The world is full of good people. If for one reason or another you don’t find any,  don’t forget to be a good person yourself. Be the best.

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