Giving Up Refined Sugar: 7 Benefits

Sugar consumption leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. The effects of sugar on the liver are thought to be similar to those of alcohol.
Giving up refined sugar: 7 benefits

Giving up refined sugar can have many health benefits, helping to improve the quality of life. In the following we offer you 7 reasons to eliminate sugar from your daily diet today.

In recent years, specialists have constantly warned us about the dangers of sugar consumption; Refined sugar is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes, heart failure and obesity.

Although sugar itself is not completely harmful, it should not be consumed in excess, especially in its refined form that is most commonly found in stores.

In its natural form, as found in fruit, this element does not pose a threat to health unless consumed in excess.

But the concern of specialists is that refined sugar is present in the diet of most people. This product is chemically treated and can be as easily addictive as cocaine. 

It may seem impossible to give up sugar completely. In addition to being sold as such to be added to various dishes, this product is also found in sweets, bakery products, processed foods, sauces and other commercial products.

However, doctors and nutritionists are sounding the alarm to warn people about the negative effects of sugar on the body.

You feel fuller

Sugar suppresses a hormone called leptin, which is responsible for causing satiety after eating. As a result, you are overwhelmed by the desire to continue eating.

After you give up sugar, your body regulates your appetite and your food becomes more filling, which helps you ingest fewer calories and fewer sweets.

Giving up refined sugar helps protect your heart

Giving up refined sugar helps the heart

High sugar diets are associated with an increased risk of heart failure.

Giving up sugar is a way to take care of your heart and control the level of triglycerides, a type of fat used to store excess calories in sugar, which reduces the effects of good cholesterol.

Giving up refined sugar helps you get rid of abdominal fat

Sugar is a high-calorie food, but low in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is high in calories but low in nutrients. For this reason, sugar leads to fat accumulation and, as a result, obesity.

A study published in the Endocrine Society found that sugar causes fat to be stored in the abdomen and waist.

You protect your liver

Giving up refined sugar protects the liver

A study published in the journal Nature  shows that excess sugar has a negative effect on the liver, as does alcohol.

Giving up sugar helps you avoid overloading the liver and contributing to its proper functioning.

Giving up refined sugar prevents kidney stones

Sweet drinks and refined sugar increase the risk of kidney stones by 25%. Worse, sweet juices, such as sour juices, increase this risk by 33%.

To avoid this problem, you need to give up these drinks and opt for natural alternatives, such as natural juices or water.

You protect your brain

Giving up refined sugar protects the brain

Although there is no clear evidence, some studies have found that hyperglycemia can be one of the causes of brain damage, affecting memory. Obviously, these studies accuse the uncontrolled blood sugar level and not the sugar itself.

However, it is known that excessive sugar consumption is the main cause of high blood sugar.

You keep your skin young

Sugar consumption activates a process called glycation that affects elastin and collagen in the skin.

Giving up sugar helps you take better care of your skin and prevent the signs of premature aging.

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