Foods That Should Not Be Combined With Sour Juices

The combination of sour juices and certain foods can cause indigestion and other dangerous internal imbalances for the body. 
Foods that should not be combined with sour juices

We all know that sour juices (especially Coca Cola) are not healthy. However, some people continue to drink these fluids, despite warnings from specialists. Did you know that there are foods that should never be combined with sour juices?

In this article, we present another reason why it is not good to consume carbonated drinks. Combined with sour juices, certain foods do more harm.

Foods that should not be combined with sour juices

We often combine several foods at one meal without realizing that this is toxic or harmful to our body. You may find that there is nothing wrong with serving a glass of juice with a hearty lunch or dinner. In reality, certain food combinations have negative effects on the body. 

Here are some foods that don’t go well with sour juices:


Milk on the list of foods that should not be combined with sour juices

Who would think of drinking milk with juice? Of course, we are not talking here about putting both drinks in a glass and drinking this mixture. But don’t forget that there are many sweet and savory recipes that contain milk.

For example, some cakes and pastries contain cream. When food reaches the stomach, the combination of milk and juice causes acidity. Thus, symptoms such as muscle cramps, acid reflux or indigestion appear.


Again, we don’t think there are people who put carbonated drinks like Coca Cola in coffee. But some people drink the juice with the first dish and the coffee with the dessert.

Both drinks contain high doses of caffeine. Therefore, it is not advisable to drink them at dinner, as they can cause insomnia, nightmares or difficulty falling asleep.

In addition, when the two drinks reach the stomach, they together form a kind of effervescent foam that is very acidic. Thus, you feel alert and euphoric and have abdominal cramps due to indigestion.

Sweet bread

Cozonac on the list of foods that should not be combined with sour juices

At parties or holidays, some people are accustomed to eating cozonac. If we add the amount of sugar in this food to that in acidic juices, the blood sugar level increases considerably. This combination may increase the risk of cardiac arrest.

The amount of sugar in your body keeps you alert. Therefore,  to enjoy the sweet taste of Easter or Christmas cake, do not combine it with carbonated drinks.

Spicy food

Spicy ingredients or spices, such as hot peppers, cumin or curry, give a wonderful taste to dishes, but when they reach the body, they immediately raise body temperature. At that moment, we feel the need to drink something.

Be careful that the liquid chosen is not a sour juice. At high temperatures, carbonated beverages turn into sulfuric acid. Therefore, if you think that a glass of juice can quench your thirst or reduce your heartburn, you are wrong. The only effect you get from this combination is an increase in the amount of stomach acid.

Mint drops

Candies that should not be combined with sour juices

Try the following test. Put a mint candy in a glass, then pour some cola on top and wait to see what happens. You will see that there is a kind of explosion! This is why mint candies should not be combined with sour juices.

Imagine what happens in your body when you eat both foods at the same time. You don’t even have to try. The pain is unbearable, and the internal reaction can be dangerous.

What happens in our body when we drink cola?

Cola drinks are not healthy, whether we combine them with other foods or drink them separately. Some voices claim that they can be used in any other way, but not for consumption. What happens in our body when we drink cola?

After 10 minutes

A glass of juice contains 10 tablespoons of sugar. Yes, you read that right. Such an amount is like a blow to the body. Don’t be fooled. Cola does not give you energy or vitality, but it upsets your blood sugar level and can endanger your health.

After 20 minutes

The level of insulin in the blood increases enormously, and the liver has to work hard to convert the sugar received. Another disadvantage is that the sugar will turn into fat.

After 40 minutes

Sour cola-based juices

The body increases the production of a hormone called dopamine, which stimulates that area of ​​the brain dedicated to pleasure and rewards. That’s why we like soft drinks so much, because they ‘re like a great drug for our brains.

After 1 hour

Sour juices contain a lot of sugar

The body excretes a high amount of calcium in the urine. This effect can lead to the development of osteoporosis, tooth loss or loss of bone strength. Phosphoric acid in sour juices also affects the levels of magnesium and zinc.

The diuretic effect of these carbonated drinks is false, because we do not eliminate waste from the body, but essential nutrients.  That is why, after drinking sour juices, many people feel weak or irritable.

Remember these foods that should not be combined with sour juices and try to minimize the consumption of these drinks.

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