Food Enzymes: What Are They For?

The enzymes present in kiwi improve digestion and prevent constipation or flatulence. What other enzymes are there? What am I for? Find out in this article!
Food enzymes: what are they for?

Food enzymes are proteins that have a digestive function. They usually serve to improve the processes of decomposition and absorption of nutrients. There are several foods rich in enzymes, which are recommended in case of constipation to reduce the symptoms of this condition.

They can also act as mediators in certain chemical and physiological reactions. There are also cases of enzymes with anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties. What else should we know about this? Below, we will detail more about this topic!

Proteolytic enzymes in food

Some enzymes, such as actinidine, typical of kiwis, have the ability to intervene in the breakdown of proteins, improving the absorption of amino acids. Their function is fundamentally digestive, as stated in an article published in the journal Food Function.

In the scientific literature, we find studies linking the intake of this enzyme to a reduction in constipation. Studies in humans, such as the one published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, show that kiwi intake can reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, such as flatulence, bloating and abdominal pain.

Another example of a proteolytic enzyme is found in pineapple. In this case, we are talking about bromelain, which has the ability to improve protein digestion to later absorb amino acids. This fruit is famous for its diuretic and digestive qualities. In fact, it is recommended to eat it after large meals to reduce the symptoms associated with bloating or flatulence.

Kiwi juice

Enzymes with anti-inflammatory capacity in food

In the case of papaya fruit, papain has a remarkable anti-inflammatory capacity. In addition, it can be used in various oral preparations due to its antimicrobial power.

According to a study published in the Brazilian Dental Journal, this enzyme may be effective against various types of caries due to its power to modulate the immune response and inflammation.

In addition, regular papaya consumption could be associated with the prevention of obesity and other metabolic disorders, according to an article published in the journal Nutrients. This is mainly due to its antioxidant, antihypertensive and hypoglycemic properties. In any case, it is not known for sure if they are given by papain or by the rest of the nutrients that this exotic fruit has.

Enzymes in the supplement industry

There is no clear evidence that enzyme supplementation may provide health benefits. In any case, it is common for some protein preparations to have these substances in their composition. Apparently, this should reduce gastric or intestinal discomfort resulting from high protein intake. In addition, enzymes can help reduce flatulence, which is an important benefit.

The sports supplement industry tests substances with different chemical structures to improve nutrient absorption. The results obtained on the digestibility of whey proteins were good enough for the inclusion of enzymes in high quality protein products.

Enzymes in liquid foods

More studies on food enzymes are needed

The functions of enzymes are known. Their effects on allergic processes or even the relationship with the occurrence of diseases are intensively studied. Several in vitro models have been described, but there are no human studies yet to demonstrate these results. Therefore, it is a subject of study in the coming years.

In this regard, we can currently recommend certain foods to improve digestion, such as pineapple or kiwi.

We know that there are other products that have certain anti-inflammatory or antioxidant capabilities, but it is not clear whether enzymes have this effect or whether the benefits are simply due to the existence of flavonoids.

In any case, and as a conclusion, we must keep in mind that these enzymes are found in plant products. This is another reason to recommend the intake of this type of product at the expense of processed ones, so common in current diets.

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