First Aid In Case Of Scald Burns

Scald burns are very common. If you think the burn is severe, see a doctor. If it is a superficial lesion, read below to find out how you can treat it at home. 
First aid in case of scald burns

The dreaded scald burns are very common. You are in the kitchen and preparing dinner or making tea. Maybe turn on the tap and the water is hotter than you expected. How do you proceed next?

Today we explain how first aid is given in case of a burn by scalding.

Types of burns 

Before deciding what type of treatment to apply to the burn, you should know that there are three degrees of this type of injury:

First degree burn

These burns affect the outer or superficial layer of the skin. Symptoms include redness, swelling and mild pain.

The skin peels in 7 days and recovers completely in two weeks.

Second degree burn

Situations that cause burns by scalding

This type of burn is more severe because the second layer of the skin is also affected. Blisters and swelling appear and the pain is more intense.

The blisters break on their own in a week. Complete healing takes place in three weeks, but it remains a lighter or darker scar than the rest of the skin.

Third degree burn

This is the most severe type of burn, representing a medical emergency. The burn penetrates all layers of the skin and causes great pain.

Burns by scalding

Housework that causes burns by scalding

Scalding burns are very common in the home. A pot of boiling water on the stove can turn into a real danger or even a tragedy if there are children around.

Small but severe burns are often common. You must always be very careful and boil the water on the farthest edges from the edge, if possible.

If the boiling water sprays you a little or has very little contact with the skin, it can cause a slight pain that disappears immediately. A good idea to relieve the burn is to keep the affected area in cold water for 5 minutes,  either in a bowl or directly on the tap.

If the scalding is more severe, you can do the same, but for longer. For second degree burns, prolong contact with cold water for 15 minutes.

Treatment depends on the part of the body that has been affected. For example, you can cover the area with a damp cloth or you can apply some ice wrapped in a plastic bag (in no case directly on the skin).

Scald burn treatment

Situations that cause burns by scalding in children

While applying water or cold compresses to the affected skin, assess the severity of the injury. If the pain does not go away after a few minutes and you notice that the red area has expanded or you have blisters, it is advisable to go to the emergency room.  If the symptoms improve, you can continue treatment at home.

Take a little bandage and moisten it with water. Wrap the affected area and let it sit for between 30 minutes and an hour. If necessary, change the dressing. In this way, you will protect the burn from harmful substances and pollutants in the atmosphere.

Aloe vera is one of the best remedies for superficial burns, whether they are caused by water, hot oil or even the sun. This plant should not be missing from any home. Cut a leaf horizontally and extract the dense liquid from the inside.

Aloe vera gel has the power to moisturize the skin. Spread it on the affected area and let it sit until it is completely absorbed. If you want, you can wrap the skin with a sterile bandage, although it is better to let the skin “breathe.”

Severe burns: when to go to the hospital

Vessels that cause severe scald burns

Let’s say you spilled a pot of boiling water on yourself. If your clothes are stuck to your skin, don’t try to peel them off. Wet the affected area with cold water and go to the emergency room immediately. Doctors will detach the material so as not to cause even greater injuries.

If a blister has formed, do not break it, as it can cause an even bigger injury, scarring or infection. Bandage the wound during the day so that it does not break and leave it exposed for a few minutes. If the blister is large, we recommend that you go to the doctor.

If the blister is painful and exerts pressure that does not allow you to move that area normally, you can make a small incision to allow the fluid to flow. But be careful to disinfect the instrument used.

Tips for treating burns at home by scalding

Home treatments are only recommended for superficial wounds up to grade II. For more severe burns, it is advisable to go to the doctor.

After applying cold water as a first aid, we advise you to proceed as follows:

  • Apply a little Vaseline and cover the burn with sterile dressing. 
  • Keep the bandage on the first day without moving it too much.
  • Take an analgesic (such as ibuprofen).
  • Change the bandage and ventilate the area in the morning.
  • Moisten the dressing before removing it so that it does not stick to the skin. 
  • After 7 days, clean it and remove dead skin with a dressing moistened with isotonic water. Do not rub hard, the skin will come off on its own.

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