Fighting Anxiety With Laurel

Although bay leaves are very beneficial if we include them in teas or use them for aromatherapy, we should never consume them raw. This component of laurel can be toxic.
Fighting anxiety with laurel

This plant has been used since ancient times by the peoples of the Mediterranean basin. This shrub is very popular even today and used to combat anxiety with bay leaves.

Bay leaves are included in various dishes due to the delicious aroma they offer, as well as their ability to calm the mind and improve the health of the body.

In addition to their famous expectorant properties, the strongly fragrant bay leaves offer many benefits for the mind and body. They are an essential spice in the kitchen and in many cultures they symbolize victory. In fact, wreath weaving is another interesting use of this plant.

But be careful never to eat the bay leaves. You can include them in teas or aerosol sprays, as well as to flavor the rice, but don’t forget to remove the leaves before serving the drink or preparation.

One of the most famous uses of bay leaves is their inclusion in two natural remedies that fight anxiety.

How is it possible to fight anxiety with laurel?

The laurel is a medicinal plant. Its leaves have long been used as an intestinal tonic. They stimulate digestion and fight all types of inflammation. Moreover, bay leaves help the body absorb nutrients more easily, and their aroma stimulates the appetite.

As mentioned above, bay leaves should not be chewed or swallowed in any way. They become toxic only if ingested in large quantities, but, like any other medicinal plant, it is advisable to consume only adequate doses.

In the following we present some of the properties of this noble Mediterranean plant.

It purifies the body and regulates breathing

The laurel is a rebalancing and relaxing plant. These almost spiritual characteristics improve blood circulation, digestion and even liver function.

In addition, bay leaves promote internal balance and have a relaxing effect on the mind. They are often used in aromatherapy to treat phlegm and mucus and kill airway bacteria.

I take care of my heart

Anxiety speeds up the heart rate

Anxiety involves activating the brain’s fight or flight response. This mechanism has a major impact on the heart, accelerating the heart rate and even tightening the muscles, causing tension.

  • The feeling of pressure in the chest is one of the most common symptoms that anxiety produces. One way to combat this symptom is to use bay leaves (either in the form of tea or as an aromatherapy treatment).
  • Caffeic acid is an organic compound found in laurel that can significantly improve heart health. This substance also has an incredible antioxidant effect that fights inflammation. Caffeic acid can also be obtained from lemons or green tea.

Fighting anxiety and stress with bay leaves

Bay leaves have a calming effect. Linalool, an essential oil in the composition of this plant, is very useful for calming the mind and reducing the level of cortisol in the blood. Cortisol often reacts very well to natural therapies such as phytotherapy and aromatherapy.

However, if you have a high level of anxiety despite treatment or if the problem persists for more than a month, consult a specialist. Natural remedies should complement those prescribed by your doctor. They cannot replace drug treatments.

Combating anxiety with laurel – use

Fights anxiety with the help of laurel

Treatment no. 1: bay leaf tea and cinnamon


  • 1 l of water
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 5 bay leaves


  • It is very simple. Simply heat the water in the eye of the stove. As soon as it reaches boiling point, add the cinnamon and bay leaves.
  • Strain the infusion and pour it into a glass container.
  • Serve this drink before a meal to combat anxiety.

Treatment no. 2 to combat anxiety with laurel: aromatherapy


  • A bowl in which you can burn bay leaves safely
  • 3 dried bay leaves


  • Put the bay leaves in the bowl.
  • Find a quiet room where you will not be disturbed and set fire to the bay leaves with a match.
  • Lie down and allow the magical aroma of laurel to surround you and relax you. As they burn, the leaves will release certain aromatic substances that, as soon as we inhale them, help us fight fatigue and relax.

Do not hesitate to try the above remedies, which can help you in combating anxiety with laurel!

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