Fibromyalgia Treatments And Natural Remedies

In addition to herbal infusions, a balanced diet is essential in the treatment of fibromyalgia. It is necessary to increase the consumption of foods rich in magnesium, selenium and vitamin C.
Fibromyalgia treatments and natural remedies

Treatments for Fibromyalgia Do you suffer from muscle, bone, and increased sensitivity to certain areas of your body? These fibromyalgia remedies and treatments will improve your health.

It causes joint pain and affects the muscles, but does not cause inflammation. Learn more about this condition and about treatments for fibromyalgia  in the next article.

Fibromyalgia: characteristics and treatments

This disease is becoming more common around the world. It is difficult to diagnose, and often the first symptoms are not taken into account, being attributed to other factors: a sudden movement, an inadequate sleeping position, overwork, etc.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that is characterized by pain in the muscles and bones, increased sensitivity and discomfort in certain regions of the body. It is found in areas of the muscles that, following medical investigations, appear healthy, although the patient shows a sensitivity to temperature changes or physical contact.

It is associated with other health problems, such as: stiff joints, depression, anxiety, fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain, muscle cramps, the feeling that you are swollen in certain areas (subjective) and restless sleep.

Fibromyalgia: joint pain

The causes of fibromyalgia, as well as how this disease manifests itself, are not known. However, there is some evidence of the mechanisms that lead to the onset of this condition:

  • Imbalances of neurotransmitters in the nervous system
  • A change in the level of certain substances responsible for neurochemical processes
  • Poor circulation in certain brain functions
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Chronic or viral infections
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Muscle disorders
  • Depression

Fibromyalgia symptoms

The most common symptoms of fibromyalgia are general and chronic pain in certain parts of the body: in the extremities, around the spine, in the neck, in the lumbar region, in the arms, shoulders or muscles.

Fibromyalgia: sensitive points

The pain is constant, but it is more acute in the morning after waking up, it improves slightly during the day, but it intensifies in the evening or at night. The pain is aggravated if the patient spends almost the whole day in the same position (such as in front of the computer, for example), if he lifts weights, during climate change or because of certain emotions.

Other symptoms include physical and mental fatigue, accumulated over several consecutive days and which cannot be combated by rest. Some people also face:

  • Sleep disorders
  • Stiffening of muscles
  • Muscle spasms
  • Headache
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Intolerance to certain drugs
  • Dry eyes and mouth
  • Cold extremities
  • Heavy sweating
  • Jaw pain
  • Palpitations
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Instability
  • Stomach sensitivity
  • Leg cramps
  • Swelling of the hands and feet
  • Acute menstrual pain
  • Nausea

Natural treatments and recommendations for fibromyalgia patients

Fibromyalgia treatments: apple cider vinegar

Herbs and plants with calming properties are very effective for treatments of  fibromyalgia, which affects the muscles and joints. Here are some natural remedies and treatments for fibromyalgia

  • Make a tea from two tablespoons of dried thyme and half a liter of water. Drink one cup in the morning and one whenever you want or when the pain bothers you  (in the afternoon, for example).
  • Fill the tub with hot water and add an infusion of thyme prepared as described above. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes (or until the water cools).
  • Soak a cloth in apple cider vinegar and rub the painful area affected by fibromyalgia.
  • Boil two grams of willow bark in a cup of water for five minutes. If you do not have this tree in the yard, you can find willow bark in health food stores. Drink two to three cups a day, starting with breakfast. Willow contains salicin, but also various analgesic substances, which is why it helps relieve pain.
  • Add two teaspoons of grated or ground ginger in a glass of water at room temperature. Drink immediately. Consume this mixture twice a day.
  • Boil a small spoonful of St. John’s wort in a cup of water for five minutes. Take the mixture off the heat, let it cool and strain it. Drink lukewarm tea and repeat the remedy twice a day.
  • Boil 100 grams of horsetail in a liter of water for half an hour. Take the mixture off the heat, strain it and drink two cups a day.
  • Add 35 grams of marigold leaves (fresh or dried) in a liter of alcohol at 45 degrees. Let the mixture sit in a well-covered glass container for 15 days, during which time you can treat fibromyalgia with other remedies. At the end of this interval, soak a piece of cotton wool or a cloth in this mixture and apply this compress on the affected area.

Some fibromyalgia tips and treatments

Eat foods rich in magnesium

Among the best options are spinach, asparagus, lettuce, brewer’s yeast and wheat germ.

Increases the amount of selenium in the diet

This nutrient is found in oranges, apples, cucumbers, pumpkin, garlic, onions and cabbage.

Consume more calcium

Calcium is not only found in dairy products, but also in green leafy vegetables such as spinach or mangold beets.

Eat more vitamin C.

Although everyone considers oranges to be the best source of vitamin C, there are other foods that can help you: strawberries, cranberries and cherries.

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