Exercises For Pregnant Women

Unless contraindicated by a doctor, exercise for pregnant women has many benefits for pregnancy and childbirth. In this article, we will share some techniques and tips that you should know.
Exercises for pregnant women

Pregnancy is not a period of rest, unless your doctor tells you to. If it is a safe pregnancy, you need to stay active to fight excess weight and facilitate childbirth. However, it is essential to choose the right exercise for pregnant women.

Also, keep in mind that if you exercise regularly, this habit will help you recover after giving birth. You will only benefit from advantages, which is why we decided to share the best exercises you can do during pregnancy.

Before you start


Exercises for pregnant women with the ball
We recommend that you go to specific courses for pregnant women or do moderate exercise.

The intensity of the exercises will always depend on the indications of the specialist doctor. However, it is very important how much sport you did before you became pregnant.

In general, experts recommend a moderate intensity. For example, you can do exercises that allow you to breathe or talk comfortably. You can do half-hour sessions, four times a week.

Heating and stretching

You should never start exercising before warming up, especially during pregnancy. The body changes in terms of weight and shape. Therefore, the first step when it comes to exercises for pregnant women is easy stretching.

Once you have finished stretching, never start the exercises abruptly. Always do it gradually, allowing the muscles to warm up. If you tend to suffer from cramps or minor injuries, you need to be very careful. A good option is water gymnastics.

Other tips

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Exercises for pregnant women

1. Exercise for the pelvic floor

Pregnant exercising
Pelvic floor exercises allow you to better control contractions during labor.

3. Exercises for the pelvis, abdomen and lower back

Pregnant with back pain
Lumbar exercises reduce the discomfort of the back characteristic of pregnancy.

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