Eating A Lot Of Fruits And Vegetables Can Be Bad?

Although fruits and vegetables are essential foods for the body to function optimally, when consumed in excess, complications can occur.
Can Eating Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Be Bad?

Although most people associate these foods with health, there are people who wonder if eating a lot of fruits and vegetables can be bad. What do we know about this?

Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that the body needs every day. But, it is true that eating more than you should can lead to complications. Read on and discover the implications!

How many fruits and vegetables should we eat?

One of the big problems of today’s society is that the recommended portions are not respected. Some people may eat too many fruits and vegetables.

For example, those who restrict other products or people who practice vegetarianism or veganism, without being advised by a professional, risk exaggerating.

Entities such as the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend including at least 400 g of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet. The equivalent is 5 servings. Of course, if a larger amount is ingested occasionally, it will not affect your health. However, problems will arise when there is an excess that unbalances the functioning of the body.

Can Eating Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Be Bad? What does excess mean?

Although there is no set maximum, it all depends on the person. For example, if someone is not used to eating these foods daily, at 6 servings a day they will notice discomfort. A person who tends to consume 400 g per day, but who suddenly consumes 9 servings, may start to have problems. However, the limit is relative.

Woman who thinks she can eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

Risks of eating fruits and vegetables

To answer this specific question, we will tell you what are the consequences of excessive consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Excess sugars

The components of the fruit include fructose. This substance is the natural sugar in the product and is responsible for the sweet aroma.

When fruits are consumed in moderate amounts, the nutrients do not cause an increase in blood sugar. If excess occurs, the fruit may affect blood sugar and insulin secretion.

For example, juices can be mentioned. To make orange juice, use 3 or more fruits per glass. Fiber is not used and fructose is concentrated. Of course, in order to have excess blood sugar, you need to eat more fruits a day.

Increased triglycerides

Another consequence of excess fructose is fat production. In connection with this problem, various studies show the consequences of excess fructose:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased triglycerides
  • Increased bad cholesterol (LDL)
  • Development of fatty liver

Digestive disorders

Although fiber is an essential component in regulating the digestive system, when there is an excess, discomfort can occur. Thus, flatulence and bloating are common if you overeat foods high in fiber, such as vegetables and fruits.

Depending on the amount of gas generated, discomfort and pain may occur due to the weather. This is because gas accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract.

Various studies show that the following problems can also occur:

  • Diarrhea
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Intestinal cramps

Decreased absorption of minerals

Related to the above, excess fiber can draw certain nutrients from the digestive tract: zinc, calcium, iron and copper. Fibers bind to micronutrients and form insoluble compounds, which are eliminated with feces. This is one of the risks of dietary fiber abuse.

Man with stomach problems
Excess fiber increases the production of intestinal gas and causes abdominal pain.

The risk of eating too many fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are foods full of nutrients that the body needs to function optimally. However, if consumed in excess, they can lead to imbalances and have a negative impact.

Intestinal discomfort and diarrhea are the first symptoms that appear. This can also lead to sudden increases in blood sugar. A chronic inflammatory condition can also occur.

To avoid these problems, it is recommended to eat 5 servings a day, which is equivalent to 2 or 3 fruits and 1 or 2 raw or cooked vegetables. If you follow this recommendation and have a diet according to your own needs, your body will be in balance.

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