Dry Cough – Natural Remedies

It is important to drink plenty of water at room temperature to hydrate the body and relieve throat irritation. Honey is another important ingredient in cough remedies.
Dry cough - natural remedies

A distinction is made between a dry cough if it is not accompanied by mucus or phlegm and a productive cough if sputum occurs. In case of dry cough, you should use remedies to ease the formation of phlegm to eliminate it.

If you want to quickly calm a dry cough, there are some effective natural remedies to relieve respiratory problems. And for a dry cough it manifests itself especially at night, neither the sick person can rest, nor the others near him.


Garlic is a perfect natural remedy for a dry cough, because its antibacterial properties relieve many diseases, including those of the respiratory system. It is very effective for unclogging the bronchi.

Garlic for dry cough

How to prepare a home remedy with garlic

First crush ten cloves of garlic and then put them in a bowl with olive oil. Leave to soak overnight. The next day, drain the resulting liquid and place it in a container that you can seal.

Take one tablespoon on an empty stomach every day until exhausted. You will see the results after the first spoons.

Eucalyptus and lemon vapors

Vapors or aerosols are recommended for eliminating phlegm, being a real help in

Homemade cough syrup


  • Glass jar, preferably with lid
  • A lemon cut into pieces
  • Natural honey
  • Ginger slices
  • Boiled water

Method of preparation

Put the slices of lemon, ginger and honey in the glass jar, close tightly with a lid and leave it in the fridge until it becomes a kind of gelatin. Then, as a remedy, put a teaspoon of this mixture in a cup full of hot water. You can keep the preparation in the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

Other remedies for a dry cough

Carrots for dry cough
  • Drink hot carrot juice 2-3 times a day
  • Slice three onions and boil them in a bain-marie for at least 2 hours, then turn off the heat and let cool. Take two full tablespoons every three hours.
  • Boil a cup of water and three tablespoons full of flax seeds for five minutes. Remove from the heat, allow to cool and add a little lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey. Take three times a day.
  • Put a few radishes on the grater and add 5 tablespoons of honey. Leave the dish covered for 4 hours. Take some of this mixture several times throughout the day.
  • Drink aniseed infusion three times a day. Put a few crushed anise seeds in a cup of boiled water, cover for a few minutes, strain, then drink while it is still hot.

Other tips

  • Drink plenty of fluids, not necessarily at room temperature, never be cold.
  • If the symptoms of cough have not improved after a week, we advise you to consult a doctor. Don’t procrastinate because complications can occur. If the cough is accompanied by fever, chest pain or difficulty breathing, seek medical advice immediately.

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