Drug For Side Effects Of Chemotherapy

Cancer is a scary reality for many people. The good news is that researchers are closer than ever to discovering a cure for the disease. Read on to find out more about a new drug that can fight the side effects of chemotherapy.
Drug for the side effects of chemotherapy

Even if everyone tells us that we will feel good again, cancer scares us. Most patients claim that, regarding this disease, the most unpleasant aspect is not the treatment, but the side effects. For this reason, the scientific community is trying to discover new ways to combat the side effects of chemotherapy, without reducing its effectiveness.

It’s not easy, especially when it comes to lung cancer. But new interesting discoveries are made every day, including the drug that we will present in the following.

First of all, it is important to remember the side effects of chemotherapy. In addition to hair loss, which is probably the most famous side effect of this treatment, patients may also experience:

  • A general malaise
  • Nausea
  • vomiting
  • Acute pain
  • Organ damage

Drugs used in chemotherapy are so powerful that they can attack healthy organs.

Hair loss is the most famous of the side effects of chemotherapy

Remember that when you suffer from cancer, there is a war of cells in your body. Malignant cells must kill normal ones in order to survive and will concentrate all their resources on this purpose. Unfortunately, in order to kill the attackers, you need to risk your healthy tissues as well.

To alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy, researchers are trying to find alternative treatments. Their goal is simple: to improve the quality of life of patients and survivors.

Immunotherapy, the key to combating the side effects of chemotherapy

Immunotherapy helps you fight the side effects of chemotherapy

Taking into account the information on the cells presented above, the scientists started from the premise that, in order to prevent the side effects of chemotherapy, they must invent a treatment that does not attack malignant cells, but strengthens normal ones. The solution proposed by them is immunotherapy.

However, despite the progress made, so far immunotherapy has not been of much help to patients suffering from lung cancer. As soon as they noticed this problem, the researchers studied how lung tumors manage to develop again after treatment.

According to these studies, lung tumors appear to create a protective barrier that prevents drugs from attacking their target. Sometimes the patient’s immune system develops a tolerance to the drug in question.

The researchers’ next dilemma was clear: “How can we prevent the drug that prevents the side effects of chemotherapy from overcoming these obstacles?” A team of oncologists from the “12 October” Hospital (“12 de Octubre”) in Madrid managed to find a solution.

The new cancer treatment they invented no longer targets the immune system in general, but a protein called PD1.

Dr. Gil Bazo, a specialist in oncology, claims that when PD1 meets the PD-L1 protein, they bind. The resulting substance is not identified by the tumor as an enemy and is not attacked. This is how Pembrolizumabul was born, a unique medicine that gives patients hope.

However, it should be noted that Pembrolizumab does not work in all cases. Its effectiveness depends on the PD-L1 protein. For the fusion to take place when it interacts with PD1, its level should exceed 51%.

The drug that keeps lung cancer under control

The side effects of chemotherapy can be very devastating

In other articles I have told you about the various therapies that, although they do not completely destroy tumors, can increase the life expectancy of patients. Patients will not get rid of the symptoms, but they will be able to live.

We must remember diseases such as syphilis, tuberculosis and asthma. In the past, all three were incurable and lethal, but nowadays their status has changed radically. Many such diseases have completely disappeared, while others continue to affect millions of people, but without preventing them from having a full life.

Therefore, in addition to ameliorating the side effects of chemotherapy, it is important to take steps to control one of the most dangerous forms of tumors.

Lung cancer is very aggressive. In addition, its onset is usually associated with certain habits that many people fail to give up. This is why lung cancer is so difficult to treat and, as a consequence, lethal.

The approval of Pembrolizumab by the European Commission is a first step in a very exciting journey. For the first time, it looks like we have a chance to beat lung cancer. Living with dignity is always a victory.

Spanish oncologists use all their resources to take the next step. They know better than anyone that in medicine and science there is never an absolute end. All their progress is due to the fact that they did not give up and did not accept what was considered impossible to change.

Obviously, these specialists best exemplify a revolutionary spirit. A spirit that opposes the “impossible” so as to improve the lives of others.

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