Drink Water According To Your Weight!

If you never manage to drink exactly the amount of water you need according to your weight, you can try flavoring your water with fruit or tea — but don’t add sugar!
Drink water according to your weight!

The amount of water we need to drink varies depending on our body. In general, adults need about two liters of water each day to stay hydrated. The body is made up of 60% water. To be healthy, we need to keep that proportion in balance. Drink water according to your weight!

Water can help us lose weight and allow us to stay hydrated and live. However, some people make the mistake of consuming more water than their body needs. This habit is actually unhealthy. Below we will present some interesting information about how much water you should drink depending on your weight. Read on and you will find out exactly what you need to do.

Drink water according to your weight!

Although many people do not know this, the amount of water we have to drink every day depends very much on our weight. For example, a thin person should not drink as much water as a fat person. But because each of us has a different weight, there is a formula that can help us find out exactly how much water to drink.

Woman who water according to her weight

If you want to know exactly how much water you should drink according to your weight, all you have to do is divide your weight by two. The result of this very simple mathematical operation is the amount of water (in ounces) that your body needs every day.

For example, suppose a person weighs 116 pounds (53 kg). Simply divide this weight by two and you will get 58 ounces (26 kg). This amount is the equivalent of about 5 cups of water.

So, don’t forget this formula: your body weight in pounds / 2 = the amount of water you need to drink in ounces.

Special situations

  • If you do sports or practice very demanding exercises, we advise you to consume an additional liter of water for each hour of exercise.
  • If your diet does not contain many fruits and vegetables, we advise you to drink at least two liters of water every day.
  • If you suffer from certain conditions or have a weakened immune system, it is essential to stay hydrated. In this situation, we advise you to drink a little more water than the recommended dose.

Tips to be able to drink the required amount of water every day

Now that you know how to drink water according to your weight, you need to start practicing this. Because many people fail to drink enough water for various reasons, below we will present some tips that will help you achieve this goal every day.

  • Drink a glass of water before each meal. You will learn this habit more easily and you will digest the foods you eat faster.
  • Another option is to drink a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach and another in the evening, just before bed. However, in order to consume the optimal amount of fluids, we advise you not to forget to drink water during the day.
  • If you are bothered by the fact that the water has no taste, you can try to add all sorts of natural flavors. But don’t use sugar. You can use, for example, fruits, plants or essences, among others.
  • If you easily forget how much water you need to drink each day, we advise you to make a schedule in which to write down each time you drink a glass of water.

How do I know if I’m drinking enough water?

Drink water according to your weight

The easiest way to find out if you are dehydrated or not is to check your urine. Take into account how often you go to the toilet and what color your urine is. For example, if your urine is light yellow, it means you are hydrated. A dark yellow urine, which also has a strong odor, is an alarm signal that you need to drink more water.

If your skin or lips are dry, you feel tired and can’t concentrate, try drinking a little more water — these could be symptoms of dehydration. And don’t forget, always drink water depending on your weight!

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