Does An Apple A Day Prevent Obesity?

Green apples help restore metabolic balance. They are rich in fiber and due to their polyphenols content, they fight against obesity and help you control your body weight. 
Does an apple a day prevent obesity?

An apple a day. We have all heard this expression in one context or another. But does it help apples prevent and fight obesity? If so, what kind of apples? We will explain below.

An apple a day: a reliable defender of our health

There are many reasons why you should include apples in your diet. An apple a day is essential for your health. As you already know, a delicious apple can work wonders:

  • It is moisturizing, but also diuretic, preventing water retention in the body.
  • It lowers blood pressure due to its potassium content.
  • It contains a large amount of fiber, especially if it is eaten raw, including the peel.
  • The pectin in its contents protects the intestines.
  • Apples – in shell – help prevent certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer.
  • The phytochemicals it contains prevent diabetes and reduce cholesterol levels.

Nutritionists recommend that we eat an apple with its peel, as this coating contains the highest concentration of pectin and essential phytochemicals. We now know that apples are very good for our health, but how does it help us fight obesity or lose those unwanted pounds we gain from time to time?

Granny Smith apples and their benefits in the fight against fat


To prevent obesity, the most effective variety of apple is the one known as Granny Smith – green and fragrant apples with a slightly acidic taste that blends very well with many foods.

The study that came to this conclusion was conducted by a group of scientists from the University of Washington. The aim of the study was to find out which apple variety is most effective in preventing weight gain.

Why are Granny Smith apples better than other species? What is their secret? Specialists provide us with the answer to this question, as well as other useful information, in an issue of Food Chemistry :

  • Granny Smith apples contain hard-to-digest compounds that help prevent obesity-related conditions. This species is richer in polyphenols, dietary fiber and carbohydrates.
  • This variety of apple stimulates the production of “healthy” bacteria that protect the colon from toxins and help digest fats.
  • Granny Smith apples have more medicinal properties and are healthier than other varieties such as Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala, Red Delicious or Braeburn. They are richer in polyphenols and hard-to-digest compounds that help control body weight and prevent obesity.
  • Good bacteria in the colon help us lose weight, and this variety of apple stimulates the production of these good bacteria. They are healthy and help restore metabolic balance. Inflammation will disappear, and you will feel full and you will prevent weight gain. A wonder of nature that is within everyone’s reach.

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