Discover 8 Natural Remedies For Anxiety

To alleviate anxiety, it is a good idea to get involved in physical activity and avoid all things that could affect your peace of mind, such as alcohol or tobacco.
Discover 8 natural remedies for anxiety

Do you need some natural remedies for anxiety? Anxiety is a normal state that we experience when we are in danger or worry about something. Its role is to help us react in difficult times.

But if anxiety occurs frequently and for no reason, it becomes a problem. In addition, the accompanying symptoms are very uncomfortable.

The main symptoms of anxiety

  • Insomnia or restless sleep
  • Heavy breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Intense palpitations
  • Irritability and anger
  • Digestive problems
  • Increased rhythm of respiratory and cardiac movements
  • Intensification of PMS (in women)
  • Knots in the neck
  • Sensation of dryness in the mouth
  • Impossibility to stay still and focus on a specific task

Anxiety symptoms begin with loss of control over emotions. Panic attacks can be components of coping mechanisms or episodes of hysteria that affect both our mental health and family life.

Anxiety and emotions

It is very difficult to calm down in situations where, in fact, nothing extraordinary is happening.

The patient has to deal with constant pressure. This affects her body and causes, among other things, problems such as:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Impossibility to rest
  • Lack of concentration
  • Inability to carry on a conversation

The best natural remedies for anxiety

There are many natural remedies for anxiety, which can be very helpful in relieving symptoms. If the following solutions do not work, seek the help of a specialist.

1. Daily movement

Woman using natural remedies for anxiety

Walking or cycling are recommended activities to control stress and reduce anxiety.

2. Meditation

Meditation is highly recommended because it induces relaxation of the body. Breathing techniques help you reduce your stress level.

3. Avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages

Decaffeinated coffee included in natural remedies for anxiety

If you are going through a more stressful period, eliminate caffeine and alcoholic beverages from your daily diet.

  • You can replace them with decaffeinated coffees and teas. You have plant or fruit options, effective and 100% natural.

4. Supplements with vitamin B and magnesium

If you suffer from magnesium deficiency, take supplements or eat foods that contain it. This nutrient relaxes the muscles and helps you control your palpitations, as well as prevent all the other symptoms that accompany anxiety.

People on a vegan or vegetarian diet should consult a doctor to check their vitamin B levels. If you need to take supplements, your specialist will let you know. Remember, vitamin B deficiency can cause anxiety.

5. Consumption of oats, on the list of natural remedies for anxiety

Oats included in natural remedies for anxiety

Oats are a wonderful food for calming the nervous system. This cereal is very rich in carbohydrates that increase the level of serotonin in the brain.

Serotonin is the hormone responsible for keeping the body in a state of peace and happiness. A breakfast with oats and fruits is a great way to start your day.

6. Chamomile tea

Chamomile is often included in teas due to the many health benefits it offers. This plant has sedative properties that reduce stress and anxiety. In addition, chamomile induces sleep and has a relaxing effect on muscles.

At the same time, chamomile calms the nerves in the stomach, facilitating digestion. It fights inflammation that can occur in the lining of the stomach walls.

  • Drink a cup of chamomile tea before bed. It will help you rest and feel more relaxed.

7. The flower of passion

Natural remedies for anxiety with passion flower

This plant offers benefits such as combating insomnia and relieving the discomfort associated with nerves, indigestion and gastrointestinal problems.

The passion flower has a sedative and calming effect, which is why it falls into the category of natural remedies for anxiety, irritability and stress.


  • 1 tablespoon (15 g) of dried passion flower
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water


  • Boil a cup of water and add the passion flower (includes each component of the flower).
  • Cover and let infuse for 10 minutes.
  • After the indicated time has elapsed, strain and drink the infusion.
  • Serve passion flower tea three times a day.

8. Salad

Lettuce is a very healthy food. Being a natural tranquilizer, it is useful to combat agitation and anxiety. To take advantage of this benefit, we advise you to consume it in the form of tea.


  • 4 cups (1 l) of water
  • 1 cup (30 g) chopped lettuce leaves


  • Heat the water and, as soon as it reaches boiling point, add the lettuce leaves.
  • Bring to the boil for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat.
  • After it has cooled, strain the infusion and drink it.
  • You can serve a cup of green tea twice a day.

Using the 8 natural remedies for anxiety presented above, you will alleviate the symptoms of this discomfort. If problems persist or you have any questions, consult a doctor. Remember, nothing is more important than your health!

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