Delicious Cuban Rice Recipe With Plantain

Does Cuban rice remind you of childhood? It’s really easy to make this unique and surprising combination of flavors. Today’s article will give you another way to enjoy this nutritious cereal and plantain bananas.
Delicious Cuban rice recipe with plantain

Cuban rice is a staple of Spanish cuisine. Even if the name makes you think of the Caribbean islands, the recipe comes from the Canary Islands. This dish is recognized worldwide and we see the influence of Cuba in the recipe thanks to plantain bananas, a common ingredient in this cuisine. We present you a delicious recipe for Cuban rice with plantain!

Cuban rice is a simple dish with a special flavor

Long, red, wild, carnaroli, round, brown… Whatever the variety, rice is always present in the kitchen. In fact, people use it to prepare all sorts of delicious recipes, such as paella, risotto, salad and Cuban-style rice, of course.

The latter is very easy to do, but it is important to find the right way to cook the rice. Otherwise, it relies only on the quality and flavor of a good ingredient.

The interesting part of the recipe is that you can get an exceptional combination of flavors and textures with the help of four humble, accessible and ordinary ingredients.

Try this recipe at home! Below you will find steps, suggestions and other information to successfully prepare Cuban rice with plantain bananas.

Delicious Cuban rice recipe with plantain

Banana plantain
Plantain bananas are common in Cuban cuisine.


Tasting tips

Rice is rich in nutrients, so you can eat it as part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. Brown rice is particularly rich in fiber, vitamin B, carbohydrates and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

This recipe is a main dish and practically a whole meal. To complete, serve a fruit for dessert.

Both rice and banana provide a lot of energy, and the combination is ideal for physically and intellectually demanding people, such as children and athletes. For this reason, it is best to eat Cuban rice with plantain at lunch, not dinner.

The fiber in rice helps regulate intestinal transit and is satiating. Some people eat it with sausages or meat, although the egg already provides the protein you need.

Fryed egg pan
Fried egg from Cuban rice provides the protein the body needs, but you can also add meat.

Some useful tips for a Cuban rice with perfect plantain bananas

This recipe is affordable and quite simple. Anyone with a basic level of experience in the kitchen can do it. There are a few things you need to keep in mind to prepare it properly.

The use of round grain rice varieties is common when preparing dishes such as paella, boiled rice or pudding. Any type of long grain rice, such as basmati, is great for al-dente rice.

As for the tomato sauce, a homemade one will make the dish tastier. It takes more time, of course, but you can always make large batches and keep them in the pantry or freezer.

The best plantain bananas for Cuban rice are the unripe ones. They will not be as sweet. Make sure they are not overcooked, as they will disintegrate when you try to fry them!

Finally, the best way to eat it is by taking a little of each ingredient to create the perfect tasting experience. You will definitely enjoy the exceptional combination of flavors and textures!

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