Delicious Chicken Breast Recipe With Cheese Sauce

The following two chicken breast dishes are very simple and practical. This part of the chicken is usually quite dry, but we will show you how you can proceed to make it more juicy. 
Delicious chicken breast recipe with cheese sauce

Chicken breast is used as the main ingredient in many recipes. This is a type of lean and nutritious meat that is often eaten by athletes or people trying to lose weight. Those who want to prepare it in a unique way can opt for a delicious recipe for chicken breast with cheese sauce.

Basic ingredients

The quantities below are sufficient to feed two people:

  • 1 glass of cream (250 ml)
  • 1 cup ripened cheddar cheese (200 g)
  • 2 chicken breasts (500 g)
  • Olive oil (to taste)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • 4 cloves garlic (5 g)
  • 1 onion (60 g)

Chicken breast with cheese sauce

Chicken breast with cheese sauce is easy to prepare

This recipe is very simple. For starters, cut the chicken breast into cubes and season with salt and pepper to taste. Then heat a little olive oil in a large skillet at high temperature.

After the oil has heated up, put the pieces of breast in the pan and brown them. In this way, the meat will stay juicy. After three minutes, remove the breast from the pan once it has acquired a golden hue, but without baking completely.

How to prepare cheese sauce

Probably the pieces of meat have absorbed all the oil from the pan, so add more and let it heat over low heat. Meanwhile, cut the onion into small pieces and the garlic into thin slices. Add the onion to the pan and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes until golden and slightly transparent. 

Then add the garlic slices and let them harden for just a few seconds. It is important not to put them in the pan with the onion, as they will burn before the latter ripens enough.

After the garlic has acquired a golden hue, add the cream and cheese, and then sprinkle a little more salt.

Keep the heat low and mix the food well, so that the cheese melts until it forms a homogeneous sauce that mixes well with the onion and garlic. The contrast between the soft texture of the onion and the crunchy one of the garlic gives the recipe an extra uniqueness.

Now add the chicken pieces to the pan to fully cook in the sauce. Let them boil for about 5 minutes, after which you can serve the preparation.

Chicken fingers

Chicken fingers are a possible alternative recipe. In fact, this preparation can successfully replace any other chicken-based food. You can try the chicken fingers even in combination with the chicken breast recipe with cheese sauce presented above.


  • 1 teaspoon chopped parsley (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon paprika (5 g)
  • A cup of grated cheese (300 g)
  • 2 chicken breasts (500 g)
  • Olive oil (to taste)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • 2 cloves garlic (3 g)
  • 3 eggs (180 g)

Method of preparation

How to prepare chicken fingers with cheese and broccoli sauce

First, cut the chicken breasts into strips the width of a finger. Then grind the garlic, parsley and paprika in the pestle mortar, then add salt and olive oil.

Pour the mixture into a separate bowl, add the eggs and beat well. Add the chicken strips and cover them well with the prepared mixture. Put the bowl in the fridge and let it sit for 1-2 hours so that the pieces of meat soften well in the egg mixture.

After they have been in the fridge for two hours, take out the strips of meat and pass them one by one through the bread crumbs. Be sure to completely cover each strip.

Heat a large amount of oil in the pan, add the chicken breast strips and fry them until golden on the outside and bake well on the inside.

Remove the chicken fingers from the pan and place them on a paper towel to absorb the excess oil. This will make it much easier to soak them in the cheese sauce. Try these American-style chicken breast recipes with cheese sauce and convince yourself of their delicious taste!

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