Centella Asiatica – What Is It And How Is It Used?

Regular consumption of Centella asiatica offers many health benefits, including treating burns and reducing cellulite.
Centella asiatica - what is it and how is it used?

Centella asiatica is a small plant used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Recently, it has also begun to gain popularity in the West.

Maybe you’ve seen Centella asiatica in the ceiling and wondered what it’s for. In today’s article we present everything you need to know about this powerful plant.

What is Centella asiatica ?

Centella asiatica can be bought from the ceiling

Centella asiatica is usually sold in the form of tablets in plafare. Some stores sell the plant itself, which can be used to make infusions or included in salads.

The stem of this plant is thin, its leaves are long and the root is beige. The flowers of Centella asiatica are small and pink.

Centella asiatica needs 3 months to grow and harvest by hand. Its alternative scientific name is Hydrocotyle asiatica , and the country of origin is India. This plant has thousands of medicinal properties.

In the Orient, Centella asiatica is known as Gotu Kola and has been used for about 3,000 years to treat various internal and external health problems.

To take advantage of its benefits, you can include Centella asiatica in salads and smoothies. In addition, you can use its leaves to make tea. If you want to apply it topically, opt only for 100% natural products (creams, lotions, gels) available in stores.

Properties of the plant Centella asiatica

Centella asiatica has beneficial properties

Regular consumption of Centella asiatica offers many health benefits. This fact is due to the multiple properties of this plant, among which the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing ones stand out.

You can apply Centella topically to treat, for example, hemorrhoids, sprains, dermatitis and cellulite. Some people have resorted to this plant to treat leprosy.

But the most interesting benefits offered by Centella asiatica can be accessed if we use it as an internal treatment. This is ideal for those who suffer from:

  • Ulcer
  • Anemia
  • Bronchitis
  • Hypertension
  • Dysentery

We can buy products containing Centella asiatica from plafare. Due to its ability to form collagen and elastin fibers, this plant is useful to:

  • Heals burns and wounds
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks
  • Treat ulcers

In addition, Centella asiatica helps you to have healthy and strong nails and get rid of dandruff.

Centella asiatica helps you have healthy nails

An incredible natural remedy

Because it is an excellent tonic for blood vessels, Centella asiatica can be used to treat problems that occur in the circulatory system. These include phlebitis, tired leg syndrome, varicose veins and stinging sensations.

Centella strengthens blood vessels and increases the elasticity of arterial walls. For this reason, patients suffering from high blood pressure or hypercholesterolemia will benefit if they consume it.

At the same time, this plant has the ability to cleanse excess toxins and harmful substances accumulated in the body. Many people consider it to be a powerful diuretic, only good for those who suffer from problems related to body weight, water retention or urinary and kidney infections.

Centella also stimulates the excretion of toxins and fatty cysts that form in the breasts. You can also use it to treat mental problems. With a calming effect, Centella asiatica is recommended for people who are going through severe episodes of anxiety and agitation.

Last but not least, this ingredient improves concentration and memory, and can increase brain capacity. And women who suffer from PMS or people who always feel tired due to daily activities can use it with confidence.

Other benefits of the plant Centella asiatica

Infusions with Centella asiatica

Of course, this powerful plant has many beneficial properties, some of which are worth mentioning. Here’s what Centella asiatica can do :

  • It slows down skin aging and stimulates collagen production
  • Treats blemishes and abscesses
  • Fights mouth infections (such as thrush)
  • Eliminates eye infections and fights dryness (you can apply it in the form of eye drops)
  • Accelerates the healing process after surgery

Centella asiatica and cellulite

The most famous benefit offered by Centella is, without a doubt, its ability to reduce cellulite. Cellulite is the formation of nodules of fat, fluids and toxins under the skin. Due to its diuretic properties, Centella can eliminate these residues.

Many components of this plant make it effective against cellulite, among which we must mention fatty acids, tannins, phytosterols and mucilages.

Centella asiatica stimulates the lymphatic system, helping it to eliminate waste through urine, perspiration and feces. Moreover, it activates the circulation and helps to irrigate and oxygenate the skin.

To get rid of cellulite, take Centella asiatica orally or apply it topically in a massage. The treatment involves ingesting tablets or drops with this ingredient daily and massaging your skin with gels or creams containing Centella at least twice a week.

However, avoid this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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