Causes And Treatment Of Color Blindness

Color blindness is a deficiency almost always inherited, which affects men more than women. In its worst form, sight is black and white.
Causes and treatment of color blindness

Color blindness is a visual defect that makes it difficult or impossible to distinguish colors. The degree of damage is very variable. Sometimes it’s just a problem with shades of red, green, yellow or blue; In the most severe cases, no color is distinguished. What are the causes and treatment of color blindness?

This condition is related to an abnormality of the photoreceptor cells in the eye, also called cones. They work in combination and connect to the centers of the brain through the optic nerve. When the cells are defective, they fail to produce the image of pigments and color blindness occurs.

What are the causes of color blindness?

Most cases of color blindness have a hereditary cause. It is transmitted from mother to child and does not generate any other type of visual defect. Although women are the carriers of the defective chromosome that causes the disease, men are more likely to inherit the disease.

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The genetic cause is the most common, above all others that cause color blindness.

There are several eye diseases that can lead to color blindness. Glaucoma damages the optic nerve and can reduce the ability to distinguish colors or shades. Macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy destroy the retina and cause the same effect.

In cataracts, the perception of color is not lost, but it can be significantly attenuated. Other diseases, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease, can also cause color blindness.

Types of color blindness

Lens for color blindness

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Treatment of color blindness to improve quality of life

Now that we have established the causes and types, we will discuss the treatment of color blindness.

There is currently no treatment available for inherited color blindness. If the disease is caused by drugs, other pathologies or exposure to toxins, the factor that causes the condition will be suppressed.

Color filters placed over glasses or special contact lenses can help better differentiate colors, but do not eliminate the deficiency. It is possible that in the future there will be gene replacement techniques that could completely solve this problem.

There are several techniques and measures that colorblind people can take to overcome the limitations that the disease causes. For example, they can memorize the order of the colors at the traffic light so that they can interpret the signal. Objects of a certain color can also be marked. There are computer applications that help to differentiate colors and partial treatment of color blindness.


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