Causes And Treatment For Genu Varum

Genu varum is a disease that affects the natural or anatomical alignment of the knees. Children who suffer from this have an exaggerated curvature that separates their knees and brings their ankles and soles closer.
Causes and treatment for genus varum

Genu varum is a disease that affects the natural or anatomical alignment of the knees. Children who suffer from it have an exaggerated curvature that separates their knees and brings their ankles closer. Are you looking for a treatment for genus varum?

This word comes from the Latin “knee”, which means “knee” and “varum” which means “away from the midline of the body”. This condition is normal in children up to 1 year and a half old. The legs start to straighten at the age of 12 months or when the children start walking.

If the legs do not straighten when the children are between 2 and 3 years old or if they bend more, you should consult your pediatrician. Below, we will explain how the doctor evaluates a child with varum.

Does genus varum cause other symptoms?

Children with varum genus (arched legs) sometimes walk with their fingers pointing inward. Experts call this pigeon fingers. The child may stumble more often.

This problem usually improves on its own as children grow older. However, when the disease is present in adolescence, it can cause pain in the ankle, knee or hip.

Different legs
Each person’s lower limbs are different, and the knees may be closer or farther from the midline.

Diagnosis of genus varum disease

Treatment for varum genus

If the doctor has determined that the tilt is physiological, he will not indicate any type of treatment. The legs will correct as the baby grows. Experts recommend checks every six months to see if your legs are straightening.

There are two types of treatment to correct curvature. One is represented by orthopedic appliances, and the other option is surgery.

Physician applying a treatment for genus varum
The treatment of this condition will depend on its severity and the existence of a disease or a basic process.

Recovery and prognosis

Because it can simply be part of development, there are no preventative measures for the genus varum. As I explained above, in many children, it is just another stage of growth.

One of the preventable causes is rickets. To avoid this condition, children should play outdoors to expose themselves to sunlight.

The cases of physiological arches have a good prognosis. The tilt will correct itself and the child will have no problems walking. If severe inclination is not treated, it can lead to osteoarthritis of the knees or hips in adulthood.

Children with physiological arches should not make changes in daily activities. They can walk, run and play normally. In fact, they can be as active as any other child their age.

Parents simply need to keep a close eye on their growth and development. Talk to your doctor if your child’s feet do not straighten on their own or if they feel uncomfortable.

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