Boiled Frog Syndrome – The Dangers Of Subtle Abuse

Boiled frog syndrome refers to a famous parable. A frog consumed all its energy adapting to the unfavorable circumstances in which it found itself and, when it was in a time of crisis, it was unable to save itself.
Boiled frog syndrome - the dangers of subtle abuse

Boiled frog syndrome manifests itself in the form of emotional exhaustion that occurs when we are in a situation from which we have the impression that we can not escape. Continuing to endure that situation, at some point we will be completely overwhelmed by it.

Basically, people who suffer from boiled frog syndrome are trapped in a vicious circle that hurts them both mentally and emotionally. This syndrome was illustrated by a famous parable of the French writer and philosopher Olivier Clerc.

In today’s article we invite you to discover more information about boiled frog syndrome.

Boiled frog syndrome and unnecessary waste of energy

Exhaustion caused by boiled frog syndrome

This parable is based on a scientifically proven fact. If the water in which a frog is submerged is heated to only 0.02 ° C per minute, it will stay in place until the temperature is so high that it will die. But if the water heats up faster, the frog will immediately try to escape.

Using this example, Olivier Clerc made a very interesting conclusion. If a frog is placed in a pot of water and the water begins to heat up slowly, the animal will gradually adjust its body temperature according to that of the water.

As soon as the water starts to boil, the frog will try to escape. Unfortunately, it will be too late by then. The frog has already consumed all its energy trying to adapt its body temperature according to the water in which it is. Basically, she no longer has the energy to save her life.

As a result, the frog will die because it is exhausted. Reading this parable, we cannot help but ask ourselves the following question: Why did the frog die? Because of the water being too hot or because he didn’t know when to jump out of the pot?

If the frog had been placed in a pot of 50 ° C water, it would have tried to save itself immediately. However, tolerating the slow rise in water temperature, the frog did not realize that it was time to jump out of the pot.

Boiled frog syndrome causes despair

The slow deterioration that causes us to pretend that everything is fine

When emotional damage is slow, it can easily go unnoticed. This is why, when we are in such a situation, we do not react, we do not resist and we become overwhelmed by the emotional toxicity that surrounds us.

It is not at all difficult to overlook a very slow change. In this sense, there are certain types of relationships, jobs, family problems, friends or social situations in which it is not unusual for the victim to be affected by boiled frog syndrome.

Emotional addiction, pride, selfishness and unreasonable pretensions do not arouse an immediate reaction if it manifests itself gradually. For this reason, we can become trapped in unhealthy relationships without realizing it.

We can even view various toxic behaviors as positive. For example, we may feel good when we see that our boss is giving us certain tasks or that our friend is in constant need of attention.

But in the end, these requirements can reduce reaction and response time. Boiled frog syndrome means being emotionally exhausted and unable to see that we are trapped in a harmful relationship.

The sadness caused by the boiled frog syndrome


This subtle process of adapting to emotional abuse will hurt us. Slowly, without realizing it, the toxic individual will come to control our lives. Boiled frog syndrome prevents us from preparing properly to be able to escape from an unfavorable situation.

To avoid this trap, we need to make a conscious effort to keep our eyes open and know what is in our best interest. This is the only way we can deal with the emotional toxicity that threatens our well-being. In order to be saved, we must allow ourselves to feel discomfort.

Unfortunately, many people around us will be bothered by the fact that we want to pursue our own values ​​and interests. They are probably used to always doing them to their liking, and any manifestation of assertiveness on our part makes them uncomfortable.

Remember, sometimes you need to say, “I’m tired!” Only in this way can you protect your well-being and dignity and satisfy your personal needs. Therefore, be careful not to fall into the trap of boiled frog syndrome, so as to prevent the pain that can be avoided if you act in time.

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