Black Risotto Recipe: Instructions And Benefits

Have you ever tried a black risotto recipe? We will teach you how to make this dish. When cooked optimally, it is one of the most delicious ways to eat rice.
Black risotto recipe: instructions and benefits

We will teach you how to prepare a recipe for black risotto, a dish that has certain nutritional properties and can be included in the context of a healthy diet. Keep in mind that it is not the same as black rice.

First of all, risotto, as a general rule, is a dish that requires a certain culinary skill. If the recipe is not followed exactly, it may not be as creamy as it should be.

Ingredients for a black risotto recipe

To prepare an excellent black risotto, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 1 cup of arborio rice
  • 1 liter of seafood soup
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 squid
  • 2 bags of squid ink
  • 100 grams of parmesan

Seafood soup can be bought or prepared at home. If you opt for the second option, you will need to buy 250 grams of shrimp heads and tails, as well as a few vegetables. Everything will be cooked over low heat in a pot of water, straining the final result for later use.

Black rice


We will first teach you how to prepare seafood soup at home, if you want to further improve the result of the recipe.

Seafood soup

First, you need to freeze the shrimp ends. Once frozen, they are placed in a saucepan and browned to release all the juice they contain. Then add 1 and a half liters of water with a tablespoon of coarse salt. The power of the fire is increased to the maximum, to the boiling point.

When it boils, add a chopped carrot and the green part of a leek. It is also necessary to add a green pepper and an onion. These vegetables can be cut into large pieces.

In the process, it will form a foam will be removed with a spoon with holes. Reduce heat and continue cooking for about 35 minutes. Strain the soup, crushing the shrimp heads and vegetables well.

Black risotto

You need to start by chopping the onion into small pieces. The smaller the pieces, the better. Grate the Parmesan cheese. After the onion is ready, add it to a medium pan with extra virgin olive oil. Saute the onion until it reaches a transparent texture. Avoid burning.

In parallel, heat the seafood soup. Put the rice in the pan and add the white wine. After the wine evaporates, add a sachet of squid ink and stir until the rice is completely black.

At this point, you can start pouring the seafood soup into the pan, but it is very important that this process be gradual. As the rice absorbs the liquid, more is added.

Wash and cut the squid. Cut one into small pieces and put it in the rice. Add the garlic. Then add the other squid.

Near the end, add the other bag of squid ink. Add parmesan and butter. Mix everything well until you get a very creamy result.

Black risotto recipe: benefits

Black risotto is a dish that has many nutritional properties.

Helps delay aging

Squid ink contains antioxidants. These compounds are able to neutralize the formation of free radicals and their subsequent accumulation in body tissues, which helps to delay aging. This is demonstrated by a study published in the journal Clinical Interventions in Aging.

Prevents constipation

Rice is a source of fiber, a substance that has been shown to be key to preventing constipation. The fibers increase the volume of the seat. There is a greater stimulation of the mechanoreceptors of the digestive tract, which generates stronger peristaltic movements.

Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland

Squid, as well as many other seafood products contain a significant amount of iodine. This mineral is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, according to research published in the journal Biological Trace Element Research.

If the level of this nutrient is not optimal, the risk of developing hypothyroidism increases. The disease produces a feeling of constant fatigue, which is accompanied by digestive problems and an increase in body weight.

Prevents muscle catabolism

In addition to micronutrients, squid has a significant concentration of proteins with high biological value. These elements are essential to prevent muscle catabolism and sarcopenia. If protein levels are low, locomotor function may be compromised.

It should be borne in mind that half of the protein in the diet must come from food of animal origin. They all have essential amino acids that the body is not able to synthesize.

Cooked squid platter

Tricks to make risotto perfect

Risotto, as I mentioned, is a skillful recipe. If not prepared correctly, the final result may not be sufficiently creamy.

The most important thing is to add the soup gradually, stirring constantly and waiting for the rice to absorb it well. Adding salt before the first tablespoon of soup is crucial to prevent the grain from breaking.

You should also keep in mind that the soup must be hot so as not to destroy the texture of the rice grain. To mix, use a wooden spoon.

The risotto is ready in 18 minutes. However, depending on the type of rice chosen, the cooking time can be extended up to 25 minutes to obtain an optimal end result.

Prepare a black risotto recipe

Black risotto is a refined dish. It is one of the best dishes that can be made from rice. You will need to be patient and follow the instructions to get an optimal end result.

In addition to being tasty, black risotto is a dish that has many health benefits. For this reason, it can be included in the context of a varied and balanced diet.

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