Beer – 7 Incredible Benefits For The Body

Consumed in moderation, beer improves heart and kidney health and strengthens the immune system.
Beer - 7 incredible benefits for the body

First of all, it is important to note that excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health. However, as long as we do not abuse, such drinks can offer us many benefits. You’ve probably heard that a glass of wine at dinner protects your heart, but did you know that beer has some benefits?

In today’s article, we present some reasons to drink beer in moderation. Remember!

What is beer made of?

It is true that alcoholic beverages are not as healthy as water or natural juices. However, some have certain benefits that should not be ignored.

Beer has a low dose of alcohol. But if you  drink too much at parties or other gatherings, you risk destroying both your health and your reputation.

That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be a healthy drink. On the contrary, it is even recommended if we want to follow a balanced diet!

Here are the ingredients in the beer:


Hops are a plant that gives beer its bitter taste and has the ability to stimulate appetite.


Malt is rich in carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and fatty acids.

The water

Friends who drink beer

Water is an essential element in the beer production process. This liquid is the predominant ingredient in this drink. Therefore, beer has few calories and replenishes part of the recommended daily dose of potassium and phosphorus.

At the same time, non-alcoholic beer has a high content of B vitamins. This range is recommended for athletes, pregnant or breastfeeding women and all people who are not allowed to consume alcohol.

Benefits that beer offers us

If you drink it in moderation, beer is not harmful to health – on the contrary! Here are the benefits of this tasty drink:

It’s nutritious

Because it is made from plants and cereals (barley, hops and wheat), beer is rich in nutrients such as:

  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus

In addition, this liquid contains soluble fiber that prevents constipation and improves digestion.

Prevents various diseases

Beer glasses

According to some studies, beer could prevent diseases caused by damage to neurons in the brain (such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s).

Researchers suggest that oxidative stress in cells (which cause these degenerative diseases) is reduced due to beer hops, when consumed in moderation.

In addition, beer reduces the risk of osteoporosis due to the content of silicon, a mineral that contributes to the development and increase of bone strength.

Vegetable compounds in beer have been associated with a possible reduction in the risk of developing diabetes, multiple cancers, or

It is beneficial for the kidneys

Kidney health can be improved with the help of beer. Yes, you read that right. Moderate consumption of beer prevents the formation of kidney stones, due to its high water content.

The diuretic effect of beer helps to eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body and must be excreted in the urine. This means that beer prevents the loss of calcium from the bones, which can be deposited in other parts of the body. It is in this way that the formation of stones is prevented.

It is good for the heart

Beer is good for the heart

Drinking beer occasionally gives you heart benefits (just like serving a glass of red wine at dinner). This drink decreases the risk of suffering from heart problems such as stroke, heart attack or arteriosclerosis.

Reduces “bad” cholesterol

Drinking beer helps eliminate lipids accumulated on the walls of the arteries. This liquid lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and increases the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL).

To enjoy these benefits, two glasses of beer a week are enough.

Strengthens women’s immune systems

Moderate beer consumption improves the immune system in adult women (if consumed in excess, the effect is the opposite). The risk of infectious diseases decreases, and the body is better able to prevent their attack.

Try to test this benefit by drinking beer in the winter. You will see that you are less prone to flu, colds and throat infections.

It prolongs your life

Beer halba

We are not trying to tell you that if you drink beer, you will be 100 years old, but you will increase your life expectancy. This drink contains thousands of compounds with antioxidant properties. Thus, beer prevents cell damage and delays the aging process. Therefore, thanks to her, you will have a longer and healthier life.

Beer has other benefits besides those listed above. Among others:

  • It is an excellent remedy for insomnia
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots
  • Improves memory
  • Beautifies and rejuvenates the skin

Now that you know how healthy this drink can be, don’t hesitate to serve a pint of beer from time to time without feeling guilty.

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