Bach Flower Therapy – How To Apply It At Home

One of the advantages of Bach flowers is that they have no side effects or contraindications and can be consumed by anyone, regardless of age.
Bach flower therapy - how to apply it at home

Each of us has at least one friend, relative or acquaintance who told us about Bach flower therapy. This is a great remedy for any emotional problem.

This floral essence is enjoying an increasing popularity due to its efficiency and exceptional qualities. In addition, Bach flower therapy has no harmful side effects on health.

In this article we explain how you can use Bach flower therapy to balance your body, mind and emotions in a pure and natural way.

Who was Dr. Bach?

Blue flowers for Bach flower therapy

The floral essence of Bach was discovered by Dr. Edward Bach, a health expert with numerous academic recognitions. Bach was a bacteriologist and pathologist and a visionary of his time.

Thanks to his extraordinary intuitive ability, Bach had a passion for discovering and using natural methods to heal the body. His goal was to heal any person and any family at home, in the simplest way possible.

With this goal in mind, Bach has dedicated his life to researching hundreds of plants to find the right remedies for the most common emotional problems.

Due to his research, since the years 1920-1930 plants are known that help to alleviate emotional ailments such as:

  • Exaggerated fear
  • Lack of trust
  • emotions
  • Depression
  • isolation
  • Apathy

What are Bach flowers?

Bach flower therapy administered by drops

Bach flowers are a mixture of 38 plants prepared by various methods (extracts, infusions, powders) to extract the active principles from each. By consuming this essence, each of us can experience the calm and well-being so coveted today. We can benefit from a real emotional first aid!

The biggest advantage of this herbal mix is ​​that it has no contraindications or side effects.  It can be taken by anyone, at any age, including pregnant women, children or the sick.

When can we resort to Bach flower therapy?

Bach flower therapy administered by dropper bottle

We all have personality traits that need improvement. We all face, at some point, an emotional blockage that seems hard to overcome.

Bach flower therapy can be especially useful in stressful situations, in important changes, during periods of suffering or in those of depression.

The 38 floral extracts are divided into several groups, which cover various diseases that require treatment:

  • Fear: also refers to people who have nightmares, phobias, poor self-control or those who worry excessively.
  • Uncertainty: lack of self-confidence, discouragement, depression or indecision.
  • Lack of interest: periods of extreme fatigue, mental confusion, apathy or learning difficulties.
  • Loneliness: This feeling can occur even if you are surrounded by loved ones.
  • External influences: applies to people who can not express their feelings. They are not able to set boundaries in their relationships with others and do not adapt easily to change.
  • Discouragement and despair: lack of discipline, rigidity, guilt or resentment.
  • Excessive care for others: intolerance, emotional blackmail, nervousness.

To find exactly the combination you need, it would be ideal to consult a specialist. Or you can try the extracts one by one.

How is Bach flower essence administered?

Bach floral therapy with lavender flowers
  • Floral extracts can be taken separately or together. You can mix a maximum of seven floral types.
  • Put 4 drops under the tongue, 4 times a day.
  • The treatment usually lasts 21 days. Ideally, you should be patient and easily notice the changes your body is going through. You may need to change your treatment along the way.
  • The floral extract is made in an alcohol base, but you can also find the version with vinegar.
  • You can find Bach flower extracts in pharmacies and plafare.

The saving remedy

In addition to the elixir obtained from these 38 flowers, Bach invented a unique combination of these extracts as a “first aid” in desperate situations. He called this solution the “saving remedy.”

This mixture is specially formulated for crisis situations, so it should only be used occasionally as an immediate short-term solution. It is the ideal solution to bring a touch of peace in case of a nervous breakdown, accidents, the sudden onset of an illness or nightmares.

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