An Artist Helps Sick Children With Temporary Tattoos

These tattoos do not cause pain when applied. In addition, they are cleaned when the child takes a bath, but they remain imprinted in his soul, giving him strength and hope. When they see these drawings on their skin, children feel “hard” and strong, smile and see life from a different perspective, more original, bolder and more spectacular.
An artist helps sick children with temporary tattoos

The ink used for these temporary tattoos is non-toxic and can be washed very easily. But the confidence and strength it gives to sick children is much stronger.

These tattoos do not cause pain when applied. In addition, they are cleaned when the child takes a bath, but they remain imprinted in his soul, giving him strength and hope.

When they see these drawings on their skin,  children feel “hard” and strong, smile and see life from a different perspective, more original, bolder and more spectacular.

A smile on the face of a sick child is invaluable, and this New Zealand artist knows it all too well.

Temporary tattoos = trust for sick children

The story of Benjamin Lloyd, a temporary tattoo artist, is a true example of personal success.

As a child, the artist suffered some severe burns,  remaining with an extremely deformed part of his arm. Because of this flaw, his life at school was a nightmare.

Most of his colleagues made fun of him, making jokes about his “deformed and wrinkled” arm. These taunts marked his childhood and part of his adolescence. But when he reached the required age and an opportunity arose, the artist covered his scars with a tattoo.

From that moment on, his life suddenly changed. With a simple drawing, he gained strength, confidence and motivation, and even a purpose in life: to make tattoos.

The mission that Benjamin Lloyd has undertaken is to draw the skin of other people to see in them the same wonderful transformation that he went through.

These temporary tattoos inspire hope

Death often comes unexpectedly. A few years ago, Benjamin lost his stepson, a 7-year-old boy. Even in those moments, the idea of ​​offering temporary tattoos to sick children came to mind.

At the time, the artist had some doubts. He did not know if his idea would be accepted and welcomed, because even today there are many people who look at tattoos in a negative light.

But Benjamin knew that something as simple as drawing a tattoo was enough to fill the little one’s heart with happiness and hope. 

The test on social networks

To find out if people accept the image of a tattooed child, he took a test. He tattooed children in his neighborhood and posted the pictures on Facebook. He told himself that if he receives 500 likes, he will go to the hospital to tattoo children with cancer, if they want.

The next day he was shocked to see that he received over 400,000 likes. At that moment, he was convinced that he had to put his idea into practice. Thus, Benjamin Lloyd created a special type of airbrush that creates temporary tattoos in just 9 minutes.

The appliance uses a type of ink that washes very easily. In addition , the  models created are chosen by the children themselves, and the results are amazing and exciting.

Temporary tattoos for sick children

Photos of tattooed children have gone viral on the internet. Benjamin Lloyd continued to visit hospitals for short and fun artistic sessions.

The families of the little ones are very grateful, because any activity outside the routine is a blessing in itself,  especially for these children who are constantly undergoing medical investigations and who spend hours with their arms in infusions.

  • Doctors have determined that the ink used is not toxic at all. The only effect created is the smiles he paints on children’s faces and the confidence he instills in their souls.
  • This young artist gives hope, strength and courage. When they look in the mirror and see their skin covered in roses, skulls or fantastic creatures, children feel protected by an invisible shield that gives them energy and inner strength.

This is a wonderful thing. As the parents say… The only problem is that the little ones no longer want to take a bath!

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