Almagat Abuse: Possible Consequences

Almagat is an over-the-counter antacid, used to treat heartburn and the discomfort associated with it. However, you should consume it in moderation and only for a short period of time. Why is it not good to abuse?
Almagat abuse: possible consequences

Almagat abuse has become a common phenomenon. Because it is a non-prescription drug that can be bought over the counter from pharmacies, many patients see it as a solution to episodes of heartburn or stomach pain. However, it should not always be the first treatment option.

What are the consequences of excessive intake of Almagat? Why should you avoid self-medication? Although it rarely causes side effects, Almagat abuse can cause unpleasant reactions. In this article, we will discuss Almagat’s excessive consumption.

What is Almagat?

Almagat is an antacid drug that neutralizes gastric acids in a short time. Therefore, it is indicated for relieving the symptoms of heartburn or acid reflux. But, as we have already mentioned, the abuse of this drug is a common problem.

Almagat capsules
Almagat is a non-prescription drug that helps neutralize excess gastric acid.

Almagat’s formula is based on aluminum and magnesium salts. The medicine is given orally. It is only indicated for adults or people over 12 years of age. It is available as chewable tablets or oral suspension and is consumed for a maximum of 8 g per day for a maximum of 14 consecutive days.

The storage is consumed separately from other medicines (at least 2 or 3 hours apart) and 1 hour after meals. You don’t need a prescription to buy it. Hence the importance of clarifying who cannot take this drug and the possible consequences of Almagat abuse.

Overdose can be intentional or accidental and occurs when people consume more than the recommended amount. The consequences of Almagat abuse are related to overdoses of aluminum and magnesium salts.

In general, adverse effects occur due to the use of higher than recommended doses or due to prolonged use (more than 14 consecutive days). Almagat is a medicine that people tolerate in the right doses. It only occasionally causes mild diarrhea, which disappears when treatment is stopped.

Almagat abuse: possible consequences

In this case, we refer to the administration of Almagat in excessive amounts or for long periods of time. In elderly patients, excessive consumption of Almagat may aggravate certain existing conditions, such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia, due to reduced levels of phosphorus and calcium ions.

In addition, in patients with diarrhea, malabsorption, a low-phosphorus diet or in very weak patients, this drug can cause anorexia, muscle weakness and osteomalacia, among other disorders.

After prolonged use, aluminum salts tend to form insoluble phosphates in the intestines, which are poorly absorbed and excreted in the feces.

Almagat is not recommended for patients with mild, moderate or severe renal impairment. It is a medicine that, despite the fact that you can buy it without a prescription, you must take it with caution. We discourage high doses, as they can cause an accumulation of aluminum and magnesium ions.

Man facing abuse of Almagat
The store works well as an antacid. However, you should only use it at certain times and for a short period of time. If you use it too often, it can be harmful.

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