Acne Occurs For A Variety Of Reasons. Do You Know Them?

The appearance of pimples and blackheads on the cheeks is due to the presence of bacteria or dirt, which is why we must be very careful about the ritual of cleansing the face. 
Acne can be caused by a variety of causes.  Do you know them?

Although acne has different causes and is associated with hormonal changes, this problem is sometimes considered a symptom of certain internal diseases. Acne often occurs due to improper skin care or excess sebum.

However, pimples and blackheads can indicate other problems in the body. Find out below what acne can reveal about your health!

To find out what acne reveals about your health, it is important to consider the area of ​​the face where it is located and the conditions in which it occurred: hormonal changes, due, for example, the menstrual cycle, stress or tension. Want to know what else acne can say about your health?

Acne on the chin, jaw area and neck


Acne on the chin, jaw area and neck may indicate that you are approaching or even menstruating. During the hormonal cycle during menstruation, the glands produce more oil that blocks the pores.

Which is the solution? Apply an anti-acne treatment on the affected areas, preferably before the onset of menstruation. If the condition becomes chronic, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist who is able to recommend you an appropriate treatment. 

Blackheads or pimples on the hairline

If acne occurs in this area of ​​the face, you may have applied certain hair care products too close to the skin or frequently touched that area with dirty hands. These products contain ingredients that cover the pores and lead to pimples and swelling.

The solution? Use these products less often and apply them carefully so as to avoid direct contact with the skin.

Blackheads or pimples on the cheeks

Acne on the cheeks

In most cases, they are caused by a certain bacterium or dirt. These bacteria or pollutants can be taken from your hands or even from your phone. The solution? Wash your hands often and use an antibacterial gel to keep them always clean.

It is important to clean your phone often, because, as incredible as it may seem, studies have shown that it can have more microorganisms on its surface than a public toilet.

Blackheads or pimples around the mouth

In this case, you may eat too many fatty or acidic foods. Acne in this area can occur due to the fact that acidic food scraps, such as lemon or vinegar-based dressings, cause irritation. They can also be caused by high-fat foods, such as chips, french fries, cakes or burgers.

Which is the solution? Remove all food debris around your mouth after eating. It is advisable to use a damp cloth.

T-zone acne

Acne on the nose

Pimples and blackheads in the “T-zone” (forehead and nose) can be a result of the body’s fight against stress. If we are very stressed or under immense pressure, the body releases adrenaline to increase the production of oil on the skin, which leads to the formation of swellings, pimples and blackheads.

The solution? Avoid stressful situations and always try to relax.

Acne that appears on the back or chest

In this case, acne does not give clues about the health of the internal organs, but may suggest the use of an inappropriate blouse or bra. According to experts, acne that appears on the back or chest may be due to the use of cotton clothing that absorbs perspiration and creates an environment conducive to the growth of bacteria.

The solution? Avoid wearing very tight blouses or shirts, especially if they are made of cotton. Also, do not wear tight-fitting bras. It is best to choose materials that do not absorb moisture as well, such as spandex (lycra) or other synthetic fibers.

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