A True Love Story

When she saw that her husband’s condition continued to worsen, Jeannette also began to fall ill, until health problems immobilized her in bed, as did the love of her life. 
A true love story

A true love story… For many of us it is just a subject of fairy tales or romantic movies, because in real life most relationships are not lasting, and an individual often meets several people until he finds the right person, with whom he chooses to and spend the rest of his life.

And while this is true most of the time, there are some incredible love stories that prove that nothing is impossible; two people can remain in love with each other for a lifetime, even to the point of death.

This is also the case with a California couple. The two met when they were 8 years old and started a true love story. After 75 years of marriage, it seemed that death would eventually separate them.

A true love story: not even death could separate them

Jeannette and Alexander Toczko, an elderly couple in San Diego, California, had been married for 75 years when the two died a few hours apart. Holding each other in their arms, the two declared to each other the love that united them to the end.

This love story was brought to the attention of the public by Aimee Toczo-Cushman, the daughter of the two spouses. She wanted to share their story with everyone, impressing an entire world.

Alexander Toczko and his wife, Jeannette, both from Connecticut, met when they were just 8 years old. When they became adults, they decided to get married. The event took place in 1940.

Their daughter says, “They didn’t like being away from each other. It was as if their hearts were beating like one. ”

Alexander, 95, used to play golf until his health deteriorated following a fall a few weeks before he died. Although he was consulted and treated by many specialists, his condition worsened.

When she noticed that her husband was feeling worse and worse, Jeannette, 96, also began to have health problems. They immobilized her in bed, ending up in the same situation as the love of her life, Alexander. Despite the fact that she was very weak, the woman asked that her hospital bed be placed next to her husband’s so that she could take care of him until the end. 

True love story

The end

The couple was gradually approaching a critical moment. He could not get out of bed, and she was depressed. However, they were both looking forward to June 29, the 75th anniversary of their marriage.

Unfortunately, they did not celebrate this event. Alexander died on the night of June 17, and Jeannette passed away the next morning. But the two managed to fulfill their last wishes: he wanted to give his last breath in her arms, and she wanted to follow him shortly after his passing away.

Aimee Toczko-Cushman, who watched over her parents at the head of her four siblings, revealed that she was the one who broke the bad news for her mother: “I told her that my father was no longer with us. She hugged him and said, ‘See? That’s what you wanted, to die in my arms. I love you. Wait for me, I’ll be with you soon. ‘”

At that moment, the children left the room to allow their mother to say goodbye to the man who loved her for a lifetime.

To everyone’s surprise, in less than 24 hours, the children discovered that the woman had also died. The lifeless bodies of the two spouses lay in the same bed.

The moment was captured in a photo that went around the world. This has impressed millions of people, a clear proof that love remains unquenchable to the end.

Jeannette and Alexander Toczko were buried together in Miramar National Cemetery in San Diego, California.

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