A Spicy Tea To Activate The Metabolism

Spicy foods help us activate our metabolism and lose weight. If you are not used to eating them, you can start by gradually including them in your daily diet.
A spicy tea to activate the metabolism

Many people want to lose weight, but often fail, even if they do not overeat. The cause of the problem is that their metabolism is too slow. As a result, they consume very little energy. But did you know that there is a spicy tea to activate the metabolism?

In today’s article we suggest you consume a spicy tea to activate the metabolism that offers a wonderful warming effect. The next drink is ideal for those who are sensitive to cold or who want to burn extra pounds more easily (ie without special diets, sacrifices or starvation).

Why can’t I lose weight?

Body weight is influenced by several aspects, including genetic inheritance and food consumed. But there are certain emotional or hormonal factors that can hinder weight loss, even if we follow a proper diet and exercise.

Often the problem is that our metabolism is too slow. Thus, the number of calories burned is very low. In order to lose weight, it is important to activate our metabolism naturally. The spicy medicinal drink below is very useful for this purpose.

The next spicy tea to activate the metabolism is ideal for people sensitive to cold. It will warm you up immediately!


The need for spicy tea to activate the metabolism that helps you lose weight

Metabolism is an amalgam of physical and chemical processes that take place at the cellular level. Through them, food is converted into energy.

Our body uses this energy not only to help us carry out our daily activities, but also internally to fulfill its vital functions. These include digestion and respiration.

If the metabolism does not work properly or is too slow, the amount of energy consumed is reduced. As a consequence, weight gain occurs. If you activate your metabolism, you gain weight harder.

The medicinal tea we propose to you today can activate and accelerate the metabolism naturally. With its help, your body temperature will rise and, without exerting extra effort, you will burn more calories.

Ingredients for making tea


A spicy tea for activating metabolism contains ginger

This exotic root has a spicy aroma, gives the body an invigorating feeling of warmth and stimulates perspiration. Thus, ginger is very useful to eliminate fluids and toxins accumulated in the body.

It is also an excellent remedy for digestive problems and those that affect women.

Ceylon cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon is an ideal spice to regulate blood sugar. It stimulates digestion and metabolism, stimulating weight loss.

The red pepper

Red pepper for spicy tea to activate metabolism

You don’t have to be afraid of this spice. It is best to gradually include red pepper in your diet. This way, your body will have enough time to get used to this spicy product. At the same time, red pepper balances bodily functions.

Black pepper

Black pepper is less spicy than red. If you combine it with turmeric, you will get a wonderful anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antitumor remedy.


Spicy tea to activate the metabolism of turmeric

Turmeric offers many health benefits. Consume it every day and include it in all kinds of preparations, sweets and drinks.

Lemon peel

Lemon peel contains more nutrients than fruit pulp. So do not hesitate to include it in juices, smoothies, salads and more. To preserve it, put it in the freezer and use only the amount you need.

It is essential to use only organic lemon peels. Otherwise, it may contain pesticides, wax or other harmful chemicals.

Instructions for preparing a spicy tea to activate the metabolism


  • 1 teaspoon ginger powder or a slice of fresh ginger
  • 1 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon powder or a whole stick
  • 1 knife tip of red pepper
  • ½ teaspoon of black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • Peel an organic lemon
  • 4 cups water


  • Pour the water into a pot and heat it until it reaches boiling point.
  • Then add the lemon peel and simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  • After the indicated time has elapsed, add all the mentioned spices.
  • Cover the pot and let it infuse for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the obtained infusion and let it cool a little before consuming it.
  • If you want, you can sweeten it with whole cane sugar, honey or Stevia rebaudiana .

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