Healthy Desserts That Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

In addition to reducing the craving for sweets, oily fruits are rich in antioxidants and fiber. In addition, they quench hunger, but should be consumed in moderation. 
Healthy desserts that satisfy your craving for sweets

At certain times of the day (especially at night), when it is cold or when we are restless, we crave sweets: chocolate, cakes or candy. What to do in such cases? In this article we will present you the healthiest recipes to satisfy your craving for sweets.

Recipes that satisfy your craving for sweets

Some of these recipes are healthier than others. But, the good news is that you can make natural sweets so that you don’t have to rummage in the fridge or in the closet for something with a high sugar content.

Chocolate strawberries

There are certain types of dark chocolate that can melt into a delicious fondue. In addition to strawberries, you can use other fruits, such as apples. You can leave them in the freezer to make some kind of ice cream.

If you like bananas, they are an important source of vitamin B and C, fiber and potassium. The good part is that chocolate fruits soothe your hunger and craving for sweets.

Chocolate strawberries satisfy your craving for sweets

Yogurt and granola

Mix a cup of natural skim yogurt, Greek or vanilla with a few tablespoons of granola or biscuit pieces. Another interesting option are dried fruits (almonds, nuts, etc.) or pieces of fresh fruit.


There is nothing better for a sweet appetite than a portion of fresh fruit.  Make a salad with everything you can find in the fridge, even with orange juice. Do not add too much sugar, but opt ​​for a natural sweetener, such as stevia.

Black chocolate

This is the only chocolate “allowed” to satisfy your craving for sweets in a healthy way. The cocoa content should be as high as possible (70-99%).  In addition, chocolate must not contain milk or sugar.

Consumed in moderation, dark chocolate reduces the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, and can help you focus better on studying.

In addition, chocolate contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps calm the nervous system and fight anxiety.

You can satisfy your craving for sweets with bitter chocolate


Smoothies are perfect recipes to satisfy your hunger and regain your energy after the effort, but also to get rid of the craving for sweets. There are hundreds of different recipes with all kinds of ingredients. The most recommended are fruit smoothies, which do not contain milk or cream.

Frozen juices

The ideal choice to satisfy your craving for sweets is a fresh, natural fruit juice. Squeeze the juice of an orange, grapefruit or other similar fruit. Put it in a blender and add ice. You can add a little sugar if you want.

Another option would be to add pieces of peach or currant directly in the blender. Don’t forget the ice either! You will get a creamier consistency.

Natural juices that satisfy your craving for sweets

Mocha coffee

Even if you are not in the habit of drinking coffee at night, a cup does not hurt you (just do not drink daily). You will benefit from a dose of caffeine and dark chocolate that will help you forget about sweets. You can use brown sugar or panela (from sugar cane) to sweeten the drink.

Natural ice cream

This ice cream is very easy to make, is delicious and can be served in both summer and winter. Use honey as a sweetener.

Make a fruit juice or smoothie (as I explained above) and let it sit in the freezer for two or three hours.

Homemade ice cream that satisfies your craving for sweets

Frozen yogurt

Add a topping over your favorite yogurt. You can opt for nuts, dried fruits, etc. Put the yogurt in the freezer. Once ready, serve the frozen yogurt, and the craving for sweets will no longer be a problem.

Apples in the oven

Baked apples or pears are the ideal dessert for winter evenings. Put the fruit on a baking sheet with a little water and put it in the oven. You can remove the seeds and add a syrup of brown sugar and water.

You can satisfy your craving for sweets with ripe apples


Homemade vanilla pudding is one of the best desserts of the afternoon or for any moment when you feel like something sweet. It is healthy if you prepare it with just a little sugar or sweeten it with honey or maple syrup.

If you want to give it a special taste, melt a little dark chocolate.

Cereal bars

Cereal bars are nutritious and give you vitamins and energy when you exercise. You should not miss them in the house, because they are made with nuts, cereals and fruits.

You can prepare them at home, mixing the ingredients and pouring honey over them, as in the case of granola.

Fresh fruit and cheese

The combination of fruit and cheese satisfies your craving for sweets and gives you a generous dose of protein. If the fruit is not sweet enough, you can add a tablespoon of honey or a teaspoon of cocoa powder.

Fruit cheese satisfies your craving for sweets

Cinnamon bread

Cinnamon toast is sweet and healthy. Cut a few pieces of wheat bread, grease them with skim butter and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Sweet jam and cheese

This choice is more than healthy because, in addition to the sweet and sour taste and the mixture of contrasts, you will also enjoy the benefits of both ingredients. It is very simple. You just have to eat cheese and sweet jam at the same time.

Mixture of oily fruits

You can buy it from health food stores or you can make it yourself at home, from hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, raisins, dates, etc.

Mix them all in a bowl and enjoy. Don’t eat too much because they are high in calories. But, the good news is the oily fruits quench your hunger and drive away the craving for sweets.

The appetite for sweets can be kept under control with oily fruits

In conclusion, do not hesitate to try the above recipes, and if your craving for sweets causes you a high level of anxiety, consult a specialist.

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