5 Remedies For Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are caused by involuntary muscle contraction. Consuming a source of magnesium before doing sports could help prevent them.
5 remedies for muscle cramps

Do you need natural remedies for muscle cramps? Cramps occur when one or more muscles contract suddenly and involuntarily. They often affect different muscle groups, causing pain, stings and other uncomfortable sensations.

The most affected parts of the body are usually the lower leg muscles and calf muscles. However, you may also have cramps in the abdominal wall and upper extremities. Symptoms usually last for a few seconds, but can sometimes last up to 15 minutes.

5 natural remedies for muscle cramps

There are many factors related to muscle cramps. Their main causes include muscle fatigue, dehydration or imbalances in the body’s electrolytes. Fortunately, there are several remedies you can use to avoid muscle cramps and their symptoms. Try them too!

1. Chamomile oil

Remedies for muscle cramps with chamomile
It is easy to mix chamomile oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil to control its effects.

How to use

However, there are no scientific articles to prove the effects of this treatment. It is a remedy based on popular knowledge and it is not known exactly how effective it is. That being said, don’t forget that the best way to get rid of cramps is proper prevention. You can do this by properly hydrating and replacing minerals, according to a study published in the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation.

What should you do?

3. Cherry juice

Fresh cherry juice
Cherry juice is famous among performance athletes to avoid muscle cramps.

How to use

How to use

5. Cranberry juice

Fresh blueberry juice
The antioxidant potential of blueberries offers interesting benefits to muscles and joints.

How to use

When should I go to the doctor?

Cases of mild muscle cramps do not need medical attention because they occur sporadically, with symptoms that improve within minutes. However, in some cases, the problem becomes chronic, appearing constantly and manifesting itself intensely.

If this is the case, it is important to seek the help of a professional, as cramps can be a symptom of a underlying condition. Your doctor may recommend blood tests, electromyography, or myelography to determine if the cramps are associated with muscle abnormalities that require extra attention.

Be careful on your diet to prevent muscle cramps

You can try some natural remedies for muscle cramps. However, you should supplement these methods with regular exercise and a healthy diet. In addition, you should drink plenty of water so that your body is permanently hydrated.

Finally, if the symptoms are very intense or occur too often, the best thing you can do is to consult a specialist. Although it does not always indicate something serious, cramps can have a cause that requires other treatments.

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