7 Foods To Avoid If You Suffer From Hypothyroidism

If we suffer from hypothyroidism, it is very important to learn how to control our diet. Certain foods inhibit the normal secretion of thyroid hormones.
7 foods to avoid if you suffer from hypothyroidism

Like many other diseases, hypothyroidism forces us to follow a special diet. There are foods to avoid if you suffer from hypothyroidism. Due to this disorder, the thyroid works at a low level, which affects the metabolism. Therefore, we must adopt strict eating habits.

If we are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, we need to visit a nutritionist or at least remember that we cannot eat anything.

What is hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism, also known as “subactive thyroid”, is a disease of the thyroid gland characterized by a reduced secretion of thyroid hormones.

The thyroid affects metabolism, cardiovascular health and other important vital processes. If the body is unbalanced, these processes are adversely affected.

Hypothyroidism is more common among women over the age of 60 who experience various hormonal changes. But anyone can suffer from this disorder, including teenagers.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Patient who eats foods to avoid if you suffer from hypothyroidism

In its early stages, doctors have difficulty identifying hypothyroidism. However, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Depression and irascibility
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Dry skin and loosening of hair
  • I gain weight
  • Inflammation of the extremities
  • Slowing of the heart rate
  • Muscle aches and stiffness
  • Irregular menstruation

The main foods to avoid if you suffer from hypothyroidism

Patients with hypothyroidism should avoid certain foods.

The following foods affect the normal production of thyroid hormones.

1. Gluten cereals

Foods to avoid if you suffer from gluten hypothyroidism

Consumption of gluten-rich grains can make it harder to absorb drugs designed to replace thyroid hormones.

In addition, gluten is often identified by the immune system as an antigen to be attacked.

For this reason, in order to prevent complications and support optimal thyroid function, it is best to exclude from the diet foods such as:

  • Wheat products
  • Barley
  • Rye
  • spelled
  • Kamut

2. Broccoli

Broccoli and other varieties of cruciferous vegetables (including cabbage) contain a substance called goitrogen. This makes it harder to absorb iodine.

Iodine is an essential nutrient in the secretion of thyroid hormones. It guarantees their correct absorption.

Goitrogen loses its properties when cruciferous vegetables are cooked. Thus, we can include them in the diet. We just need to serve these this type of steamed vegetables.

3. Soy

Foods to avoid if you suffer from soy-based hypothyroidism

Soybeans and all derived products contain isoflavones, phytoestrogens that alter the functioning of the thyroid gland, especially in patients suffering from iodine deficiency.

People with hypothyroidism should avoid:

  • Soy milk
  • Soy cheeses
  • Soy sauce
  • Soy protein isolates

4. Sugar

People with hypothyroidism experience ongoing glucose problems. If they are not cared for enough, they may end up suffering from insulin resistance.

We must remember that hypothyroidism alters metabolic function. As a result, problems such as overweight and diabetes can occur.

  • Patients should completely eliminate sugar from their diet.
  • Specialists do not recommend using sugar substitutes, including organic sweeteners. They can cause excessive blood sugar levels.

5. Vegetable oils on the list of foods to avoid if you suffer from hypothyroidism

Foods to avoid if you suffer from hypothyroidism like vegetable oils

A wide variety of vegetable oils can increase the risk of metabolic problems. Their consumption blocks the hormonal functions of the thyroid and reduces the ability of cells to use the hormones it secretes.

Even if we are not diagnosed with a thyroid disorder, to avoid these discomforts, doctors recommend that we say yes:

  • Organic coconut oil
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Avocado oil

6. Sweet fruits

Although we do not expose ourselves to high risks if we consume them in moderation, it is best to avoid fruits rich in sugars. Thus, we will prevent certain complications of hypothyroidism.

Because they are not easy to metabolize, these fruits increase the risk of hyperglycemia and metabolic problems.

Specialists warn us not to abuse:

  • Peaches
  • Pineapple
  • Mango
  • Strawberries
  • apples
  • bananas

7. Processed meat

Foods to avoid if you suffer from hypothyroidism such as sausages

Rich in nitrites and nitrates, as well as other added chemicals, processed meat is one of the main enemies of thyroid health.

This type of meat can cause hypothyroidism and, as for other diseases, causes complications in metabolic and cardiovascular health.

Do you suffer from a thyroid disorder? Remember the 7 foods to avoid if you suffer from hypothyroidism and don’t forget to improve your overall lifestyle. This means following a balanced diet and saying no to sedentary lifestyles, alcohol and tobacco.

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