It’s Very Easy To Grow Garlic At Home

Garlic is an ingredient with multiple uses in gastronomy and in the home. Today we will show you how you can grow it at home by following a few simple steps. Discover everything you need to know below!
It is very easy to grow garlic at home

Garlic is a member of the genus Allium , which includes onions and leeks. Due to its delicious taste and aroma, it is one of the most popular ingredients in the world. Growing garlic at home is very simple and you will not have to sacrifice a lot of space in your garden.

You probably already know that garlic is made up of individual puppies that make up a bulb. Each clove of garlic can multiply when planted, producing a bulb with 5-10 new puppies. Another advantage of garlic is that if you keep it in a cool, dry place, it can last for months.

If you want to know how to grow garlic at home, this article contains all the essential information. We will discuss a little about the properties of garlic and we will show you the steps you need to follow to plant and harvest it. Arm yourself with a pen and paper and take notes!

Why is it good to grow garlic at home?

Urban gardens have gained in popularity in recent years because they are a simple and economical way to consume organic food, free of pesticides. Garlic is a favorite product of gardeners because it is relatively unpretentious and should not be missing from any kitchen.

In addition to its delicious taste, garlic is rich in important nutrients to have a balanced diet. According to an article in the journal Nutrients , garlic contains:

  • Water (62-68%)
  • Carbohydrates (26-30%)
  • Protein (1.5-2%)
  • Amino acids (0.5-1%)
  • Organosulfur compounds (1.1-3.5%)
  • Fiber (1.5%)

The same study suggests that garlic may help prevent metabolic disorders and dyslipidemia. Moderate consumption of garlic can also improve certain gastrointestinal processes, providing protection of the gastric mucosa against Helicobacter pylori and ulcers.

It is important to think carefully about how you will use garlic because, when you cook with it, it loses a large part of its nutrients. So, if you want to eat it for health reasons, it is best to serve it raw. You can try it either on your own or with lemon juice.

Bowl with garlic heads
Garlic has multiple uses in the kitchen and has many beneficial effects on health.

How to plant garlic at home?

It is very easy to grow garlic at home. All you have to do is opt for a certain variety and be patient. Once you have made a decision, make sure that the pot is large enough to accommodate the deep roots of the garlic.

To plant garlic at home you will need:

  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 pot with a depth of 20 cm
  • Earth for flowers


  • Take a clove of garlic (you will first have to choose an assortment that you think is appropriate) and separate the puppies, without removing the peel.
  • Buy a pot with a depth of at least 20 cm and make sure that the water can drain properly through its bottom.
  • Fill the pot with enough soil, leaving at least 2.5 cm of free space on the surface.
  • The next step is to put the garlic clove in the pot and bury it at least 20 cm in the ground, with the sharp side pointing upwards.
  • You can plant multiple puppies in pots, as long as you leave at least 8 cm of space between them.
  • Depending on the climate and the type of garlic you opted for, it sprouts 16-32 weeks after you planted it.
Garlic shoots coming out of the ground
Ideally, start growing garlic when the weather is mild.

A few precautions

It is best to plant garlic when the temperature is neither hot nor cold. Very hot or humid climates are not conducive to garlic. In fact, in the initial stage of development this plant prefers cold climates (with temperatures between 0 ° C and 15 ° C).

Then, the garlic can tolerate temperatures up to 25 ° C, until it reaches maturity. In general, it is best to plant it in the fall or winter.

Do not water it excessively for a long time, because excess water promotes the disease of the plant. It is also important to maintain the area where you planted it without weeds and to add a little compost every month.

You can harvest garlic when the outer leaves begin to dry out and turn brown. When this phenomenon occurs, it grabs the leaves and removes the entire plant. It is ideal to harvest garlic when the weather is sunny and dry. Then let it dry in the sun for a few days.

As soon as the bulb becomes completely dry, you can store it in a dry and cool place. If you want, you can preserve it by using other methods, such as dehydration or pickling. Are you ready to grow your own garlic?

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