7 Health Benefits Of Dry Brushing

Did you know that you can fight cellulite, flabby skin and water retention with dry brushing? Read on and remember!
7 health benefits of dry brushing

Many women include dry brushing in their daily beauty routine. With this practice, you can enjoy multiple benefits without sacrificing more than a few minutes of your time. Also, dry brushing has a positive impact on both beauty and health. Learn more about the most important benefits of dry brushing!

In today’s article we present 7 benefits of dry brushing that are good to remember. For example, did you know that it is useful in combating flabby skin, cellulite and water retention?

What is dry brushing?

Utensils that highlight the benefits of dry brushing

Dry brushing is a simple technique. It consists in rubbing the skin with natural fibers to stimulate it internally and externally. At the same time, dry brushing stimulates blood circulation.

  • To perform this type of massage, start with the feet and always brush towards the heart.
  • The intensity of dry brushing should be medium, without causing pain or unpleasant sensations.
  • A session can last between 5 and 30 minutes, and the massage can be repeated several times a week. At the beginning, we advise you to limit yourself to just a few minutes and gradually increase the duration.
  • You will notice the benefits of dry brushing from the first application of the procedure. Both the appearance of the skin and the general state of health will improve.
  • People with sensitive skin should be careful when using this technique. Do not apply excessive pressure.

7 health benefits of dry brushing

In the following we will detail 7 benefits of dry brushing.

1. Facilitates lymphatic drainage

Dry brushing stimulates lymphatic drainage. In other words, it can help us cleanse the lymphatic system, which is responsible for eliminating toxins accumulated in the body. At the same time, dry brushing supports the activity of the immune system.

As a result, the appearance of the skin will improve. Moreover, the body will get rid of tiny toxin particles that can trigger various health problems. Thus, the body’s natural means of defense will be strengthened.

2. Stimulates fluid elimination

Dry brushing supports the elimination of excess fluids, allowing us to avoid diuretics. With this practice, we can reduce inflammation that occurs in certain parts of the body, including the legs and neck. In addition, dry brushing relieves joint inflammation.

3. Supports skin regeneration

Benefits of dry skin brushing

Dry brushing is also an alternative to exfoliation. In fact, we can combine it with various masks to remove dead cells, including those accumulated on the surface of the skin, which give it a lifeless, gray and dry appearance.

This practice also stimulates skin regeneration, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. The exfoliation offered by dry brushing will prepare you for sun exposure, so that you can tan evenly.

4. Fights cellulite

Cellulite is one of the biggest worries for women. Fortunately, dry brushing can be a great help in combating it. This practice acts on the skin in depth. Lymphatic drainage stimulates the elimination of substances that tend to accumulate, making cellulite more difficult to repair.

5. Prevents stretch marks

Stretch marks are associated with dehydration of the skin, as well as its lack of elasticity. You can prevent their appearance and stimulate the development of skin cells by using dry brushing every day. After massaging your skin, apply a natural moisturizer.

6. Stimulates blood circulation

Dry brushing improves blood circulation

Another advantage of dry brushing is that it stimulates blood circulation. To take advantage of this benefit, follow the steps presented at the beginning of this article. Start with your feet and brush upwards, always towards the heart. When you reach the neck, brush down to the chest.

If you ask someone to brush your back, tell that person to use upward movements. As soon as you finish the massage, you will feel some pleasant tingling all over the skin. People affected by a feeling of heaviness or varicose veins will feel better after dry brushing.

7. Makes skin smoother

An immediate effect of dry brushing is that the skin will look smoother. This practice supports the development of skin cells. Thanks to it, your skin will be softer, smoother and firmer. Dry brushing can help repair flabby skin.

Main image source: wikiHow.com

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