9 Reasons Why Your Nails Break

If your nails break easily, you need to protect them when using cleaning products, do not rub them and moisturize them with a special lotion. 
9 reasons why your nails break

Lately, nails have become an important part of a woman’s beauty. They are like a business card, providing information about your health and how you present yourself to other people. But have you ever wondered why your nails break?

Fashion trends pay special attention to nails, being considered a fundamental element in any style approached.

Mostly, nails are made up of a protein called keratin. In combination with various vitamins and minerals, it is essential to keep your nails strong and healthy.

There are many products created for proper nail care. However, you may sometimes notice that your nails break without you realizing it.

The problem is that due to lack of information or negligence, many people end up damaging their nails even more, instead of taking care of them properly. Therefore, in today’s article we decided to present you 9 causes of nail breakage. 

1. Nail biting leads to their breaking

Your nails will break if you rub them

The habit of biting your nails, medically called onychophagia, causes addiction among both children and adults and leads to weakening or breaking of the nails.

Although it seems like a good way to reduce stress or anxiety, red nails are harmful. This habit can deform your nails or cause serious infections.

As a result of the bite, the structure of the nails deteriorates, and there is only one step left to break.

2. Scraping the nail polish

Nail polish helps us to highlight our nails with the help of different colors, styles and patterns. But some people have a habit of scraping nail polish after a while. Although it seems harmless, this habit is harmful to the nails because it destroys the outer layer that protects them.

It is best to use products specially created for cleaning nail polish, making sure that they have the right chemicals in their composition.

3. You neglect your cuticles

Your nails break if you neglect your cuticles

Cuticles are often neglected when it comes to nail care. Some people cut them with their fingernails, while others break them with their teeth.

In case you didn’t know, cuticles are an essential part of nail health. If you neglect them, your nails will deteriorate and may even break.

To avoid problems, it is advisable to use a solution for removing cuticles. This way, you can safely and effectively remove dead skin around your nails.

4. Filing the nail surface

It is not recommended to polish the surface of the nails. Otherwise, your nails break and  you can promote the multiplication of certain bacteria or fungi. 

5. Filing the sides of the nail

How to use the nail file correctly

Out of the desire to give the nails a square shape, some women exaggerate when it comes to filing nails on the side, eliminating an important part of them.

Although nothing is noticed at first, in the absence of this important part, the nails lose their strength and break.

6. Excess gel

Women who can’t control their anxiety and bite their nails then tend to use a lot of gel to have a perfect manicure.

Although they look nice, when the gel is removed, the nails lose important nutrients and their structure is compromised. 

It is very important that the gel be removed by a professional so as not to damage the natural nail.

7. Your nails break because you don’t protect them

Your nails break if you don't wear protective gloves

Did you know that chemicals in household cleaning products are very harmful? These chemicals are one of the main causes of nail breakage. 

The fact that you do not use gloves when cleaning or walking with these products is a harmful habit that directly affects the quality of the nail.

8. You use your nails as tools

Careful! Nails are not tools, although they can be useful in certain situations. If you use them to scrape stickers or other objects or to open cans, you can reduce their resistance or break them on the spot.

Use the right tools to accomplish these tasks and protect your nails. 

9. Do not moisturize your nails

Your nails break if you don't moisturize them

Like other parts of the body, nails need to be permanently hydrated to stay strong, healthy and long. 

Drink plenty of water and use a moisturizer specially created for nails and cuticles.

Are you making any of the above mistakes? If you identify your own harmful behaviors in our descriptions, we recommend that you take steps to improve your nail care.

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