8 Common Interior Design Mistakes

To get a nice interior design, you can not limit yourself to what you should do. Sometimes it is more important to know what to avoid. Discover in this article the most common interior design mistakes!
8 common interior design mistakes

Sometimes people buy things for their homes that just don’t fit. In this article, we will explain eight common interior design mistakes that people make more and more often. This way, you will be able to prevent or remedy them.

Everyone wants to have a beautiful house that offers well-being and reflects personal style. Although personal tastes and comfort should be the priorities in the decor, there are other basic rules that can lead to the creation of harmonious and pleasant spaces.

Sometimes, just making small changes leads to a completely different look.

8 common interior design mistakes

Your home is a reflection of your personality and tastes. You enjoy your private life there. As such, you need to feel comfortable.

However, even if you do your best, the home may not look the way you wanted it to, and you may not know why. The most common interior design mistakes could tell you what you’re doing wrong:

When it comes to moving or renovating your home, you need to have a plan that includes a design and evaluate the features of each room. Even if you don’t have the budget to hire a professional interior designer, you shouldn’t care about space planning.

If you do not approach the problem correctly, in the end you will have several decorative elements that do not match each other or in the room. This will make you feel frustrated and unhappy.

However, if you make a plan based on your budget and study the basics of design, you will get a better result.

Woman who does not make interior design mistakes
Making a plan is the secret to success, because you will save both time and money.

Lighting is one of the most important factors in interior design. The most common mistake in this regard is poor lighting.

Spaces may also be over-lit or light could highlight less beautiful areas of the house. Also, some people make the mistake of combining different temperature ranges of the color of the bulbs.

Lighting is essential for spaces and tasks that require visual activity. The “Practical Lighting Manual” provided by Ediciones UC states this. It starts by evaluating the overall lighting of an area to determine how much light is needed.

Then you can add more light to the spaces you want to highlight or those that require it, such as a work area or reading corner. You also need to evaluate the shadows that the light sources will generate. For example, it is not convenient to install neons in bathrooms, because they create shadows on the faces.

Neglecting the right proportions is a common mistake in interior design, as this is a complex issue. Placing many large items in a room will make it look small. Filling a space with small objects will make it look crowded.

The key to solving this problem is to achieve balance. To create such harmony, you need to mix and match several sizes and shapes. If you have a large house, avoid decorating it with only large elements. The same goes for a small apartment.

According to the “Practical Guide to Interior Design and Decor” published by Julio Madrigal, each room should have a focal point. It is normal for the activity in the room to take place there. For example, in dining, the focal point is the table with its chairs.

If you do not take into account this focal point, the largest object, such as a sofa or a bed, will attract attention. And, if this object was neglected, this will be counterproductive.

Therefore, it is important to choose a focal point in each room and decide which elements you want to stand out to the detriment of the others. For example, a work of art is a great option.

To achieve a pleasant interior design, you need to place the elements in ways that facilitate movement. Having furniture that obstructs movement is one of the most common interior design mistakes… as well as one of the easiest to fix!

All you have to do is draw the room several times and plan different models. Then, choose the one that facilitates the movement the most.

Many houses are crowded with too much furniture and decorative elements. It can be awkward to keep family heirlooms if you don’t know where to place them and they end up confusing things. In interior design, it is essential to evaluate objects based on their contribution in terms of space, utility or aesthetics.

Even in kitsch decor, which is very opulent, the elements must follow a certain style and have a decorative utility. If you want to make sure you get a nice decor, you don’t have to overlook anything. Evaluate what furniture and decorative elements you no longer like or do not contribute anything good to the decor.

Although minimalism consists in the use of several elements, one of its principles is their functionality. A big mistake in interior design occurs when furniture and decorative elements do not fulfill specific organizational functions.

When there is not enough furniture and decor items, you may face awkward situations, such as not having a place to put your keys and clothes when you get home. These situations completely destroy the style of the house, because it creates chaos.

It is best to apply the popular saying “Everything in its place”.

One of the most common interior design mistakes is trying to always be in tune with fashion and listen to the opinions of others without asking yourself what you like best. Renowned Spanish interior designer Susanna Cots said in various interviews that emotional interior design, ie the therapeutic influence of space design, is very important.

This designer points out that certain types of interior design elements, such as smells, colors, distribution and light, affect the mood. Many of these aspects are related to personality.

Therefore, you need to structure your home decor according to emotions and comfort. Just consider the trends you like.

Very colorful kitchen
Colors evoke emotions and affect mood. You need to keep this in mind when designing your home.

What should you do


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