7 Tricks To Relieve Low Back Pain

Do you constantly suffer from low back pain? If this symptom interrupts your daily activities, take into account the recommendations below and combat it by adopting simple and effective habits. 
7 tricks to relieve low back pain

If you are frequently upset by this unpleasant symptom, find out that there are some tricks for relieving low back pain simply and naturally. Read on to find out what they are!

Low back pain can be caused by irritation or damage to a structure in the lower spine. In general, its appearance is related to a muscle problem, but can also be caused by degenerative diseases of the intervertebral disc, joint disease, hernia and other worrying problems.

Although severe cases should be considered by a specialist, there are certain tricks to relieve low back pain that work regardless of the cause.

Moreover, you can adopt the healthy habits that we present to you below just before the onset of back pain. They prevent injuries, muscle cramps and other associated symptoms.

Here’s what this is about!

Tips and tricks for relieving low back pain

1. Correct your body posture

Tricks for relieving low back pain by correcting posture

Even if it seems an unimportant aspect, a correct posture of the body, both when walking and at rest, can be the best solution to prevent and combat low back pain.


  • When sitting in a chair, keep your back straight and preferably supported by something.
  • When performing strenuous physical activities, such as lifting heavy objects, bend your knees to better protect your back.
  • When walking, keep your back and shoulders straight and your head forward.

2. Exercise

Sedentary lifestyle causes low back pain and joint disease that damages the lower spine. Even if lack of physical activity relieves intense pain, regular exercise can prevent this symptom.


  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes, three times a week.
  • It combines cardiovascular activities with strength exercises to strengthen muscles.
  • Do warm-up exercises and stretching.
  • If you have certain injuries or pain, find out if you can swim.

3. Practice breathing techniques

Breathing techniques as tricks to relieve low back pain

Breathing techniques help to improve the transport of oxygen to all cells of the body. Thus, they ensure a positive physical and mental state, especially when you face periods of stress and anxiety.


  • If you feel tension in the lumbar area caused by stress, look for a quiet place and breathe slowly and deeply for 5 minutes.
  • Inhale and exhale repeatedly until you feel more relaxed.

4. Keep your body weight under control

Extra pounds and obesity can cause low back pain, but also injuries, disc damage and other chronic conditions. Subsequently, all these problems are manifested by more severe symptoms.

Excessive weight overloads muscles and joints, and the spine can no longer provide adequate support.


  • Adopt a balanced diet, low in fat and calories.
  • Exercise regularly, at least three times a week.
  • Go to the doctor to find out if the extra pounds have certain non-dietary causes (metabolic disorders or thyroid disorders).

5. Quit smoking

Quitting smoking on the list of tricks to relieve low back pain

In addition to having serious consequences on the respiratory system, smoking affects blood circulation,  preventing proper oxygenation of the muscles in the lumbar area.

Cigarette toxins damage tissues and, in the long run, cause degenerative diseases of the intervertebral discs.


  • Quit smoking as soon as possible.
  • Consume teas and remedies to combat withdrawal symptoms.
  • If you do not smoke, avoid exposure to cigarette smoke.

6. Sleep well

Quality sleep is one of the best tricks for relieving low back pain. In addition to providing you with physical and mental energy, rest during the night helps to relax the muscles of the cervical and lumbar area.

While you sleep, the stiffness and tension during the day are reduced and the muscles are better oxygenated.


  • Follow a sleep schedule and sleep between 7 and 9 hours a day.
  • Remember that it is important to adopt a correct posture during sleep.

7. Raise your legs

Tricks to relieve low back pain such as lifting the legs

After a tiring day, it is good to keep your legs raised to relax your back and activate blood circulation in the lower body. This simple exercise fights inflammation and prevents stiffness and muscle cramps.


  • Lie on a comfortable surface, keeping your back straight and your arms on your side.
  • Raise your legs for 3-5 minutes and rest.

Does your back often hurt? If this symptom interrupts your daily activities, take into account the wonderful tricks for relieving the low back pain presented above. As you can see, a few simple habits can be extremely helpful.

If the pain persists, see a doctor.

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