7 Tricks To Fight Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a fairly common problem, especially during the allergy season. Some people do not even realize that they suffer from this condition. 
7 tricks to fight sinusitis

Sinusitis is a painful disease that diminishes patients’ quality of life. Do you also suffer from this condition? Then read on to discover 7 tricks to fight sinusitis.

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses, hollow cavities inside the bones of the face that are full of air. They are located in the forehead, jaw and nose.

Normally, air passes through the sinuses without any problems. But when sinusitis occurs, they are blocked, which causes discomfort, pain and difficulty breathing.

Sinusitis can have various causes, some of which are:

  • Mushrooms
  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Dental infections
  • Tobacco
  • Allergies

Symptoms of sinusitis

Tricks to fight sinusitis in women

The symptoms depend on the severity of the condition. The most common are the following:

  • Headaches and pain in the cheekbones and nose;
  • Constant nasal secretions;
  • Fever;
  • Bad breath;
  • Red nose;
  • General fatigue and discomfort;
  • Toothache when chewing;
  • Sleeping disorders;
  • Cough that gets worse during the night.

Tricks to fight sinusitis

If you use these tricks to fight sinusitis, the symptoms will improve with each passing day.

Inhalation of steam

In this case, you have two options. You can inhale the vapors from the shower or the steam from a saucepan of boiling water. In the case of the second option, you can add various ingredients, such as eucalyptus, which has antiseptic properties.

Steam removes mucus from the paranasal sinuses.


Tricks to combat sinusitis with mallow infusion

Hot drinks dissolve and moisten the mucus, reducing the pressure caused by it. In addition, the heat relieves sore throat and stimulates blood circulation.

Mallow infusion is an excellent remedy for respiratory ailments, as it has expectorant properties and fights cough. It is very easy to prepare:

  • Bring two liters of water to a boil and add two tablespoons of mallow.
  • Let the mixture infuse.
  • Strain it.
  • Drink the tea.

Salt water

Salt water helps to eliminate excess mucus and moisten the area. With this remedy, the nasal mucus will disappear.

  • Put salt water in a syringe or pipette.
  • Put the syringe in your nostril and tilt your head slightly to the opposite side.
  • The liquid will come out of the other nostril.
  • Blow your nose, then repeat on the opposite side.
  • Repeat the procedure 2 or 3 times a day.

Peaceful sleep

It is very important to sleep 7 or 8 hours a night. It is recommended to use two pillows to keep your head up, which will help you breathe better.

In addition, if you keep a humidifier in the room, it will maintain the humidity of the air during sleep, preventing the airways from drying out.

Nasal drops with garlic

Garlic preparations on the list of tricks to fight sinusitis

Garlic is considered a natural antibiotic. Using this remedy is one of the best tricks to fight sinusitis.

  • Grind a clove of garlic well, mix it with 4 tablespoons of water and put the product in a pipette.
  • Put 10 drops in each nostril two or three times a day.

Optimal hydration

Consumed fluids dilute the mucus and facilitate its elimination, cleaning the paranasal cavities. In this way, you can reduce the excess pressure on the area.

A balanced diet

One of the possible causes of sinusitis is food allergies. Thus, eliminating harmful foods from the diet can be one of the most effective tricks to combat sinusitis.

In addition, natural foods contain antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, which is also true for products rich in vitamins A, B and C.

Other harmful factors could be:

  • Consumption of milk substitutes, as their ingredients can cause allergies.
  • Alcohol consumption and smoking.

Try to avoid these habits if you have sinus problems.

The 7 tricks to fight sinusitis relieve or even completely eliminate the symptoms. For more severe cases, it is advisable to go to the doctor. It is very important to take action as soon as possible so that sinusitis does not become chronic.

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