7 Tips To Get Rid Of Blackheads Quickly

You need to know that to get rid of blackheads, you need to adopt a daily skin cleansing routine, wash your face often and remove make-up every night. It is a completely wrong habit to “squeeze” them until they disappear, because they affect your skin even more.
7 tips to quickly get rid of blackheads

As the pores of the skin are clogged by excessive sweating produced by the sebaceous glands, the fat and keratin oxidize, leading to the appearance of blackheads, deep lesions with dark holes. 

Anyone can have blackheads, very unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, especially because they tend to appear on the face and especially on the nose.

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, these blackheads are not always associated with acne, but are simply excess fat. In other words, they are very common when you sweat a lot.

To get rid of blackheads, you need to clean your skin. There are many products on the market that are useful in this regard, but also treatments that you can follow at home to increase the effectiveness of these products.

face blackheads

Tip no. 1: Mask based on yogurt, cucumber and parsley

Add in a blender two tablespoons of yogurt, half a cucumber and a few parsley leaves. Mix until you get a homogeneous paste. Apply the mixture on the face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Tip no. 2: Steam against the formation of black dots

Heat water in a bowl. Let the steam rise and then place your face above the bowl at a distance large enough not to burn yourself, but to allow the steam to touch your skin. Sit in this position for a few minutes and then stand up. Press your fingers on the area where the blackheads are. Due to the heat, the skin expands and the pores open, allowing the skin to cleanse.

You can put some pieces of cotton wool on your fingers so as not to leave marks on your face.

Tip no. 3: Jelly mask without flavor and milk

Put a tablespoon of milk and a tablespoon of unflavored jelly in a bowl. Stir until you get a paste and then heat it for ten seconds. Using a pair of pliers, apply the paste on the places where the blackheads are. Let it sit for ten minutes and then remove it with your hand, as it will look like a gel.

Tip no. 4: Lemon mask

lemon mask

Mix a little lemon juice with almond oil and glycerin. Apply the mixture on the face every night after cleansing. Rinse with warm water.

Tip no. 5: Exfoliating mask with honey and cinnamon

Mix four teaspoons of honey with some cinnamon powder. Mix until you get a paste and apply it on the areas where the blackheads are. Keep the mask on your face until the next day. Repeat this procedure for two weeks.

Tip no. 6: Shake with oats

Put a cup of chopped oats and half a cup of warm water in a bowl. Mix until you get a homogeneous paste. Apply the mixture on the face and let it sit until it dries completely. Rinse with warm water and wipe your face with a clean towel.

Tip no. 7: Apple mask

Cut an apple in half, remove the seeds, but do not peel it. Add it in a blender together with a tablespoon of lemon juice, apply the mask on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

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