7 Symptoms Of Poor Blood Circulation

Excessive fatigue is often the result of physical overload or a weakened immune system. This problem can also be associated with poor blood circulation.
7 symptoms of poor blood circulation

A very large segment of the population is experiencing poor blood circulation. In fact, 80% of people over the age of 60 suffer from this health problem. How do you know if you are among them? Find out the main symptoms of poor blood circulation and take steps to remedy the problem.

Imagine that your body is a complex network of veins and arteries, in which the blood circulates permanently. Every day, more than five liters of blood must be transported through this network.

The blood allows the transport of nutrients, hormones and all other components necessary for the maintenance of life. Thus, we can say that the circulatory system is essential for the human body to “function” properly.

For this reason, it is important to make some changes, because circulatory problems do not only affect the elderly. Whether you are young or old, you should avoid poor blood circulation. Although circulatory problems can be difficult to detect, their symptoms are often very intense.

Poor blood circulation can cause myocardial infarction, blood clots, varicose veins and even strokes. To stay healthy, you need to improve your lifestyle and remember the main alarm signals caused by circulatory problems.

In today’s article we invite you to discover seven symptoms of  poor blood circulation. Read on and don’t overlook them!

7 symptoms of poor blood circulation

1. Spots on the skin

Doctors warn us to look for both visible and imperceptible or “silent” symptoms. Stains, changes in skin color and dryness of this organ may indicate poor circulation.

One of the first symptoms of poor blood circulation is red or purple spots that may appear on the legs. Although initially there are some small imperfections, eventually these spots can turn into real ulcers.

2. Swelling of the legs

When you have poor blood circulation, blood rich in oxygen and nutrients reaches the extremities the hardest.

  • Not supplied with enough blood, the body tries to solve the problem through water retention. In short, edema develops.
  • Lack of nutrient-rich blood causes cyanosis. In addition to the fact that the legs will look unhealthy, they will start to become inflamed regularly.
  • And your toes can look unhealthy, as if you just hit yourself.
Symptoms of poor blood circulation in the legs

3. Hair loss and brittle nails

Hair loss and brittle nails can be caused by a poor diet or stress. Many people overlook another possible cause of this symptom: an insufficient supply of nutrients through the blood.

  • Fragile, dry hair that begins to fall out can cause poor blood circulation. 
  • You may also feel that your nails have “caught fire”. If you suffer from circulatory problems, they can break at the slightest touch.

4. Slowing down digestion

Slow digestion, accompanied by gas, acid reflux and even constipation can be symptoms of poor blood circulation.

5. Common colds and infections

A weakened immune system is often caused by poor blood circulation. When blood circulation slows down, the body is no longer able to detect and eliminate pathogens.

  • You may have noticed that you get sick much faster and easier than those around you.
  • These symptoms are caused by imbalances in the body and slow antibodies that fail to protect you properly.
Symptoms of poor blood circulation such as weakened immunity

6. Cold hands and feet

Cold hands and feet are one of the most common symptoms of poor blood circulation. When blood flows normally, body temperature is optimal.

  • If the blood circulation is too slow, the internal temperature begins to fluctuate.
  • The hands and feet are the parts of the body most affected by these symptoms. They will catch a cold.
  • Before drawing any conclusions, consult a doctor.
  • Cold hands and feet can also signal other conditions, such as hypothyroidism, Raynaud’s syndrome or even anemia.

7. Frequent fatigue

When blood circulation slows down, various problems can occur, including fatigue. This problem can be caused by overload, stress or even certain diseases. However, poor blood circulation also causes a poor supply of nutrients to the muscles.

Fatigue on the list of symptoms of poor blood circulation

Without oxygen and nutrients, the muscles are tired. In this case, actions such as performing daily tasks, climbing stairs and exercising may be accompanied by pain, fatigue or discomfort.

If you experience any of the symptoms presented in this article, consult a doctor immediately to get proper treatment. Poor blood circulation can even lead to death, but you can fix the problem. Start taking more care of yourself today!

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