7 Plants For Weight Loss And How To Use Them

The most valuable property of green tea is to detoxify the body by eliminating excess water and fluids. For best results, we recommend combining the following plants with a healthy diet, exercise and at least 2 liters of water a day.
7 plants for weight loss and how to use them

If you use herbs to curb cravings, you will start to burn calories, have energy and feel good again. If you are looking for a way to speed up your metabolism, try the following 7 herbs to lose weight!

If you exercise every day and have a healthy diet but still have no plans to lose weight, know that you are not alone. There are also people who simply can not resist the temptation of a snack or others who have a slower metabolism.

Slimming plants – green tea

You have found it in many weight loss programs and among the most popular diets of celebrities. No wonder, because green tea contains the perfect weight loss supplements, including minerals and catechins.

Catechins are antioxidants closely related to speeding up metabolism and burning fat. Moreover, the large amount of minerals in green tea, ie potassium and magnesium, give a diuretic effect, favoring the elimination of excess water.

In a study conducted by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that participants who drank 690 milligrams of green tea extract per day for several months lost more weight than those who did not have this supplement. in the diet.

Slimming plants – horsetail

Horsetail is one of those plants for weight loss

Horsetail is a plant recommended in weight loss programs. Its purifying properties that help eliminate toxins and excess fluids from the body are well known.

If used alone, the ponytail does not burn fat. But, added to the diet, it will help detoxify, prevent the deposition of possible fat deposits and will fight cellulite.

Dracila can help you lose weight

Dracila is a plant known for its effects in treating anxiety. This could also be good for weight loss, because often, due to anxiety, we take another snack, which makes us fat. Dracila is also famous for improving digestion  and speeding up metabolism.

Slimming plants – artichokes

Artichokes are herbs for weight loss

Artichoke not only helps eliminate excess toxins and fluids, but will also bring flavor to the diet. Artichoke leaves contain a large amount of magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium.

The digestive system and metabolism will only benefit if you take a snack with artichokes and you will have a feeling of satiety longer.


It is good to include a birch supplement in your diet. In this way you stimulate the functions of the kidneys and accelerate the elimination of toxins and excess water from the body.

However, to lose weight, you must take advantage of the hypolipidemic and hydroalcoholic properties of artichoke. And birch has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates bile secretion from the liver and kidney function.


Fucus is one of those plants for weight loss

Fucus is a seaweed rich in iodine, protein, B-complex vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium and phosphorus. The large amount of iodine stimulates the thyroid, which will also contribute to the weight loss process.

However, you should not eat fucus every day, but every time you use it, it should be fresh. If not, it loses a lot of its properties. You can consume this seaweed in the form of tea before meals, because it will have a faster satiety effect.

Yerba Mate, the ideal thermogenetic for weight loss

This plant is known for its thermogenic properties and is often used as a weight loss supplement. In addition, yerba mate makes you get tired of eating faster and gives you the feeling of being full longer.

Weight loss recommendations:

  • To maximize the effects of these plants, we recommend consuming them as an infusion or tea.
  • It is not recommended to consume them more than once a day. In such cases, these plants can have unexpected side effects.
  • Try to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. And, of course, do not forget to drink 2 liters of water a day.
  • It is a good idea to seek the advice of your doctor before introducing these plants into your diet if you suffer from diabetes, hypertension, are pregnant or are undergoing treatment, as they may interfere with or cause unwanted side effects.

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