7 Herbs Beneficial To The Bone System

Consuming teas from certain herbs is a great way to improve your bone health. Find out in this article what the best options are!
7 medicinal plants beneficial for the skeletal system

Do you drink herbal teas beneficial for the bone system? If not, we recommend that you adopt this healthy habit from now on. Here’s why!

The skeletal system is a complete structure. Its role is to provide support and mobility to the body, facilitating many skills.

United by ligaments, tendons and cartilage, the bone system contributes, among other things, to the production of erythrocytes and leukocytes.  In addition, it acts  as a storehouse of nutrients, as it is closely linked to the health of the immune system.

Unfortunately, the bone system is also prone to disease. There are many internal and external factors that can lead to its deterioration. They cause inflammation and pain that affect your quality of life.

Fortunately, the above problems can be avoided by practicing healthy habits and using natural remedies that strengthen bones.

In this article we present 7 medicinal plants beneficial for the bone system due to the nutrients they contain. Here they are!

1. Basil is on the list of beneficial herbs for the bone system

Medicinal plants beneficial to the bone system such as basil

Basil is a well-known plant. The calcium in its composition is beneficial for the health of the skeletal system. This essential mineral keeps bones strong and prevents them from deteriorating over the years.

  • Add basil to salads and soups. At the same time, you can consume tea prepared from this plant.

2. Lucerne

The alfalfa stem is rich in essential minerals. Once digested by the body, this plant strengthens bone health.

The anti-inflammatory compounds in alfalfa fight against free radicals, reducing the risk of developing many chronic diseases.

It is important to note that alfalfa has effects similar to those of estrogen, thus preventing bone loss.

  • You can add alfalfa to salads and natural juices.
  • This ingredient is also found in certain pills or dietary supplements.

3. Willow

Willow on the list of beneficial herbs for the skeletal system

Willow is rich in salicylic acid, a compound with analgesic effects that relieves bone pain. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, willow is included in the list of beneficial plants for the skeletal system. This prevents mobility problems.

  • It is recommended to drink a maximum of two cups of willow tea a day.

4. Dandelion

Dandelion is known for its diuretic effects. But this plant also contains nutrients that improve bone health.

Rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium, dandelion helps maintain bone density. In addition, its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties improve blood circulation by maintaining an efficient production of erythrocytes and leukocytes.

  • Drink three cups of dandelion tea a day.

5. Nettle

Nettle on the list of beneficial herbs for the skeletal system

Nettle can not be missing from the list of medicinal plants beneficial to the bone system, as it protects bones from damage caused by free radicals and environmental factors.

Nettle is rich in iron, calcium and magnesium, three essential minerals that keep your bones healthy and strong.

  • To benefit from the mentioned properties, you need to drink two cups of nettle tea a day.

6. Horsetail

Horsetail contains many beneficial nutrients. Once assimilated in the body, they improve the health of bones and joints.

With analgesic and anti inflammatory properties, horsetail relieves pain, inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms in the bone system. In addition, the vitamins in this plant support the process of collagen synthesis and prevent damage that leads to friction of bones with each other.

  • Drink two or three cups of horsetail tea a day, at least three times a week.

7. Chamomile

Chamomile is included in the list of beneficial herbs for the skeletal system

Chamomile is one of the most popular plants in health food stores. It has analgesic and sedative properties that relieve frequent pain.

At the same time, chamomile is on the list of beneficial plants for the bone system. The reasons are its anti-inflammatory effects and rich content of essential minerals.

Consumption of chamomile tea reduces the swelling that affects your mobility. In addition, this remedy lubricates the cartilage and ligaments that connect the bones.

  • Drink no more than three cups of chamomile tea a day.
  • You can also use it externally through baths or compresses when you have pain or inflammation.

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