7 Food Combinations To Avoid

Every day we make all sorts of combinations between foods, without realizing that we are difficult to digest or gain excess weight.
7 food combinations to avoid

The way you eat is essential for health and maintaining ideal weight. Certain changes can have a major influence on the quality of life. And since it’s not always about eating less, but eating healthier, it’s important to consider a few food combinations to avoid.

Discover below 7 food associations that are harmful to digestion and the body.

What should you know about food combinations?

If you follow some basic rules of food association you can get many health benefits:

  • The digestion process will proceed normally, without the discomfort caused by heartburn, gas or flatulence.
  • You will not feel tired after dinner and you will have more energy.
  • Weight will be easier to manage, whether you want to lose weight or gain a few pounds.
  • Intestinal transit will return to normal.

In the long run, even chronic conditions can improve.

Food combinations to avoid

Normally, you should avoid associating multiple food groups in one meal. For this reason, parties where many dishes are served, usually in excess, are not a healthy habit.

We will review some food combinations to avoid, the ones that are most harmful to health.

1. Watermelon and watermelon

Watermelon and red on the list of food combinations to avoid

These fruits, often served as a dessert or in combination with salty snacks, are especially harmful when eaten with other foods.

Watermelons are rich in water and fiber and, although they contain an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals, they should not be eaten after a meal, but instead, preferably on an empty stomach.

  • You can serve watermelon in the morning or late afternoon, separately from other foods or liquids.

2. Protein and starch

One of the most harmful combinations is between protein and starch, as it slows down digestion and causes weight gain.

  • Proteins are found in: meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, some vegetables, nuts and seeds.
  • Starch is found in: cereals, flour products (pasta, bread, sweets), potatoes, rice, some legumes (pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, artichokes), corn or peas.

Any menu that contains the typical combination of meat and potatoes is not a healthy choice. Ideally, serve a portion of meat with a generous salad and stewed or grilled vegetables.

3. Milk and dairy products

Various dairy products in avoidable food combinations

Being considered a protein with a different composition, milk should not be mixed with other foods. You should always consume it separately, unless you have problems with lactose intolerance.

  • Dairy products in the form of yogurt or cheese should not be combined with starch-based products.
  • Although it is a common combination, yogurt does not get along well with sugar.

4. Fruit during meals

The habit of serving fruit for dessert is not as healthy as it seems, especially if you have eaten starchy foods. However, if you choose fruits after a meal, they will ferment in the stomach and make digestion more difficult.

  • The only exception is when the menu consists of meat or fish with a salad or vegetables (without potatoes or other carbohydrates). In this case, the portions can be accompanied by pineapple or papaya, tropical fruits rich in enzymes that facilitate digestive processes.
  • For the same reason, fruit juices (very high in sugars) should be avoided during meals.

5. Different types of proteins

Food combinations to avoid when it comes to protein

One serving of protein at a meal is enough for a balanced diet. For this reason, do not mix different types of protein at the same meal (for example, dairy meat or soy protein).

Each type of food has its own characteristics, which activate various digestive functions, and their improper mixing makes the digestion process difficult.

6. Vegetables with anything

Although we can use vegetables in most menus, there are some food combinations to avoid. We do not associate vegetables with:

  • Milk
  • Sweet fruits
  • Melon or green
  • Sugar

7. Water during the meal

Water during the meal on the list of food combinations to avoid

The water consumption recommended by most specialists is between 1 and 2 liters per day. But, if you want to follow these instructions, avoid the bad habit of drinking water during meals or immediately after it.

Water during meals leads to bloating and dilution of gastric juices, thus hindering digestion. Drink fluids before or between meals.

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