7 Factors That Affect Thyroid Health

Did you know that both stress and sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect the health of the thyroid gland?
7 factors that affect thyroid health

The thyroid is a small gland that controls certain functions of essential systems in the human body. However, there are many habits that influence its proper functioning, for this reason we present 7 factors that affect thyroid health.

The thyroid gland is an endocrine organ that secretes hormones that act on metabolism, heart rate, mental state and other vital processes that influence the health of the body. The thyroid is located above the collarbone, on the front of the neck and, in general, its activity influences the quality of life of each of us.

That is why, when it does not work properly, the affected person will manifest a wide variety of symptoms and will develop certain diseases that lead to complications when not treated in time.

For this reason, it is essential to know the factors that can alter thyroid function and to minimize the chances of disease of this gland. Here are 7 factors that affect thyroid health without you realizing it.

Factors affecting thyroid health

1. Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle in the list of factors that affect thyroid health

Adopting a sedentary lifestyle is one of the possible elements that trigger thyroid disease, especially the development of hypothyroidism.

Lack of activity has a negative impact on physical and emotional health, causing decreased production of thyroid hormones. Consequently, the functions of the metabolism slow down and increase the chances of gaining weight, obesity and diabetes.

Among other things, sedentary lifestyle causes symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Fragility of hair and nails
  • Cholesterol buildup
  • Hypertension

2. Diet low in iodine

Low iodine consumption can cause problems in the production of thyroid hormones, leading to hypothyroidism.

The human body needs this nutrient to regulate the activity of the thyroid gland. That is why it is essential to eat foods that contain an adequate amount of iodine.

Some foods that contain iodine naturally:

  • Sea salt
  • Himalayan salt
  • Blueberries
  • radishes
  • Beans
  • Aquatic plants
  • Chocolate
  • Natural yogurt
  • green peas

3. Smoking

Factors that affect thyroid health such as smoking

Tobacco addiction has harmful effects not only on the lungs, but also on the thyroid gland. Cigarette toxins enter the bloodstream and, in addition to affecting tissues and cells, also affect the thyroid gland.

  • Tobacco reduces the level of thyroid hormone production (TSH – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), causing difficulties in the functioning of the metabolism and vision problems.
  • Smoking also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. A gluten-rich diet

Gluten is a protein that can cause serious complications for people suffering from celiac disease or intolerance. This substance is related to thyroid problems, as it can cause inflammation and affect the metabolism.

  • Consumption of foods with a low or gluten-free content, even by those who do not have intolerance to it, ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and reduces the risk of developing thyroid disease.

5. Consumption of soy-rich foods and derived products

Factors that affect thyroid health such as excessive soy consumption

Although in many cases we can talk about the benefits of soybeans, it is good to know that excessive consumption of soy can lead to complications in the activity of the thyroid gland.

  • Soy prevents the production of thyroid hormones in adequate amounts, especially in patients who are in the early stages of a thyroid disease.
  • People diagnosed with this type of condition should avoid eating soy and dairy products. Consumption of soy-rich foods is therefore on the list of factors that affect thyroid health.

6. Consumption of alcoholic beverages

Those who consume excessive amounts of alcohol are more likely to suffer a complication of thyroid function, either in the medium or long term.

Although the organs of the excretory system help to filter and metabolize these drinks, often the toxins they contain manage to reach the circulation, reaching to interfere with the normal synthesis of hormones.

7. Stress

Stress on the list of factors that affect thyroid health

Although we are not aware of this, the endocrine system has an increased sensitivity to mood swings. Therefore, stress that is not managed properly can alter the production of thyroid hormones.

  • When these hormonal disorders are not kept under control, stress causes physical pain.

There are many factors that, in one way or another, influence the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. If you have identified one or more factors that affect your thyroid health, try to take steps to prevent them from negatively affecting your well-being.

If you suspect that you may have a thyroid problem, consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

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