6 Reasons To Consume Clementines

Although they are known for their rich content of vitamin C, clementines also provide other nutrients that ensure optimal health. 
6 reasons to consume clementines

Did you know that there are many reasons to consume clementines? These fruits come from a smaller tree than the orange and are fleshy, rich in fiber, aromatic and tasty. Unlike oranges, clementine peels are easy to clean.

Generally, people consume clementines as such, by squeezing the juice or in salads. At the same time, many people use them as an ingredient in desserts, jams, smoothies or caramels.

Clementines are mostly composed of water, being a healthy appetizer. In addition, with a low carbohydrate content, a 100 g serving has only 53 calories. These fruits contain fiber and nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, phosphorus, vitamin E, vitamin A and folic acid.

As you can see, clementines are versatile fruits that provide the body with important nutrients. Read on to find out 6 reasons to consume clementines.

1. They contain vitamin C.

Reasons to consume clementines such as vitamin C content

Clementines are a great choice for people who want to consume less sugar. They offer diversity when it comes to vitamin C intake.

  • Ascorbic acid acts on several functions in the body, preventing cardiovascular disease and speeding up wound healing.
  • At the same time, this antioxidant maintains the health of bones and teeth by facilitating the absorption of iron.
  • In addition, vitamin C contributes to the production of collagen and carotene. 

Carotene is a chemical compound that accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids and energy production. These two effects help control the thickness of adipose tissue by burning fat fat chemically.

How do you know if you need to increase your vitamin C intake? Read the following article:

Vitamin C deficiency – 8 common symptoms

2. Fight cancer

Free radicals, highly reactive molecules, cause a lethal disorganization of cells in the body due to poor nutrition, excessive exercise, stress, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, among others. The consequences are aging and problems in the nervous and cardiovascular system.

Clementines are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene and flavonoids. These elements neutralize oxidation processes, fighting cancer cells. In fact, numerous studies have shown that these vitamins diminish the side effects caused by chemotherapy and radiation therapy, used to treat several types of cancer (lung, stomach and prostate, for example).

3. Fight anemia

Reasons to consume clementines that improve iron absorption

Anemia is one of the most common nutritional disorders in the world. This is caused by low hemoglobin production in the blood. Hemoglobin is a substance that has the role of oxygenating the blood. This process requires nutrients such as iron.

  • We have already mentioned that one of the main reasons to consume clementines is the rich content of vitamin C. Well, this nutrient also facilitates the absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal system, supporting its mobilization.
  • According to several scientific studies, a dose of 25 to 75 mg of vitamin C doubles or even triples the amount of iron assimilated in a meal.
  • This substance interacts with phytic acid, an inhibitor of nutrients, producing fewer insoluble substances. At the same time, vitamin C increases iron absorption and fights anemia.

4. Reasons to consume clementines during pregnancy

There are reasons to consume clementines during pregnancy. These fruits are rich in vitamin B9 or folic acid, a nutrient that helps tissue development and erythrocyte formation.

In addition, folic acid participates in the production of nucleic acids and contributes to the development of the nervous system.

  • The above functions are especially important for pregnant women and babies. That is why this vitamin cannot be missing from a healthy and balanced diet.

5. They are a sweet source of potassium

Fighting infections on the list of reasons to consume clementines

Potassium is an important macromineral that regulates the amount of water in the body. We are also talking here about muscles, the nervous system and the kidneys. In fact, potassium even helps to normalize blood pressure. 

For athletes, potassium intake is vital because it allows the body to hydrate. In addition, it helps remineralize the body between workouts and reduces the risk of injury.

One of the main reasons for consuming clementines is their rich water and potassium content. These fruits restore glucose stores and electrolyte balance, thus ensuring the best physical performance.

6. Fight high uric acid and infections

Due to the high content of water, citric acid and potassium, clementines have a diuretic effect and alkalize the urine, helping to fight infections and eliminate purines.

Purines are organic compounds that, in excess, cause hyperuricemia and gout. The two problems are caused by uric acid deposits in the joints and cause pain.

As you can see, clementines have many beneficial properties. These fruits contain nutrients that improve your health. So, what do you say, do you need other reasons to consume clementines?

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