6 Natural Remedies With Eggshells

For maximum benefits, wash the eggshells before grinding them to make sure they do not contain dirt or germs.
6 natural remedies with eggshells

Eggs are among the most consumed foods in the world. In addition to being very versatile in the way they can be cooked, they contain a wide variety of nutrients beneficial to the body (including eggshells). Here are 6 natural remedies with eggshells!

Although for a long time eggs had a bad reputation due to their cholesterol content, it has recently been shown that this conception is wrong. But one component of eggs that most of us continue to ignore is their shell. Eggshells offer certain health benefits.

First of all, eggshells are an important source of calcium. It is estimated that they are made up of 90% calcium. Moreover, eggshells contain other concentrated substances beneficial to the body, as a result of which they can have a positive impact on our health.

Have you ever tried to take advantage of the benefits of eggshells? If you don’t know how, don’t hesitate to try 6 natural remedies with eggshells that we present to you in this article!

6 natural remedies with eggshells to improve your health

1. To prepare a detox drink

Liquids in the jar

The vitamins and minerals in eggshells support the body’s natural detoxification process.


  • 5 eggshells
  • 3 l of water


  • Wash the eggshells well, grind them in a mortar and pestle and put the powder obtained in a container with three liters of water.
  • Store this liquid in the refrigerator and let it sit for a week.
  • After this interval, drink two cups each day.

2. As a treatment against gastric problems

Strange as it may seem, eggshells are very useful for treating gastric problems. Their properties regulate the pH of the stomach and control discomfort. You can try the following remedy when you suffer from gastric hyperacidity, gastritis or abdominal pain.


  • 1 eggshell
  • ¼ teaspoon (1.2 g) of coffee
  • 1 tablespoon (10 ml) lemon juice
  • ½ cup (100 ml) of milk


  • Grind the eggshell with a pestle mortar to obtain a powder.
  • Combine the powder with the lemon juice and coffee.
  • Heat the milk and add the above mixture.
  • Serve this drink twice a day, preferably on an empty stomach.

3. To prepare a syrup that strengthens the immune system

Natural remedies with eggshells, lemon and honey

By combining eggshells with lemon and honey, we get a natural syrup with the ability to combat the symptoms of colds and flu. The high nutritional content of the peel strengthens the immune system and increases the presence of antibodies.


  • 8 eggshells
  • The juice of 5 lemons
  • 2 cups (672 g) of honey
  • 1 l of water


  • Wash and grind the eggshells until they are as fine as the flour.
  • Squeeze the lemon juice and mix it with the eggshell powder.
  • Leave everything to soak in the fridge, then add water and honey.
  • Let the mixture stand for a few days.
  • After this interval, consume one tablespoon of this remedy three times a day.

4. As a remedy that supports healing

The transparent film that covers the inside of the eggshells contains nutrients that facilitate the healing of superficial wounds. Although this remedy works on its own, you can amplify its effects with a little olive oil.


  • 1 eggshell
  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) of olive oil


  • Soak the eggshell in a little olive oil and apply it directly on the affected area.
  • Make sure the film that covers the inside of the shell comes in contact with the skin.
  • Apply this remedy twice a day.

5. As a toner for sensitive skin

Woman using natural remedies with eggshells

The anti-inflammatory and relaxing effect of eggshells is useful to treat irritated or very sensitive skin. This is one of the most interesting natural remedies with eggshells.


  • 1 eggshell
  • ¼ cup (62 ml) of apple cider vinegar
  • ½ cup (125 ml) of water


  • Grind the eggshell and mix it with apple cider vinegar and half a cup of water.
  • Let the mixture sit overnight and apply it the next morning with a cotton swab.
  • Apply this treatment whenever needed.

6. As an exfoliating treatment

If you do not have a quality exfoliating product at hand, try grinding an eggshell and take advantage of its properties to remove dead skin cells.


  • 1 eggshell
  • 1 egg white


  • Grind the eggshell until you get a powder. Combine this powder with a little egg white.
  • Spread the obtained remedy all over the face, let it dry and remove it with gentle and circular massage movements.
  • Apply this treatment twice a week.

Did you know that there are so many natural remedies with eggshells? Now that you’ve figured out how to take advantage of them, stop throwing them away and use them whenever you need them.

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