6 Natural Remedies Against Parasitic Infections

Improving nutrition is a fundamental step in eliminating intestinal parasites. In addition to avoiding the consumption of harmful foods, there are some natural remedies that can help us treat infections.
6 natural remedies against parasitic infections

Infections caused by intestinal parasites are much more common than we imagine. Unfortunately, in most cases we do not realize this, because the symptoms can be confused with other conditions, such as digestive problems, nervousness, irritability or itching. For this reason, in this article we propose 6 natural remedies against parasitic infections, which can be useful for the prevention of the disease. These foods help us have a healthy gut.

What do we need to keep in mind?

Fermented foods that fight parasitic infections

The body can end up with parasites even if it is healthy and balanced. Normally, parasites should be eliminated naturally.

In general, it is recommended to reduce or avoid the consumption of dairy, alcohol and sugar, including fruits that contain too much fructose , to prevent parasitic infections . At the same time, we need to eat more fresh and fermented foods (kefir, natural yogurt, sauerkraut, etc.).

It is also recommended to take a supplement of probiotics, which helps us maintain the health of the intestinal flora. The intestines are the ideal place for parasites to accumulate, as they also affect the immune system.

Natural remedies against parasitic infections

1. Garlic

Garlic is one of the most effective natural remedies against parasitic infections. Its strong antibiotic effect makes it an ideal natural treatment when the immune system is weakened.

In order for garlic to have an antiparasitic effect, it is best to eat it raw. If we don’t like it that way, we can eat it with a little toast or we can add more of this ingredient to a soup. Another option would be the famous Tibetan garlic cure. We can also choose the version of a capsule with garlic oil.

2. Papaya seeds

Papaya is a tropical fruit that provides balance to digestive function. However, the antiparasitic effect of its seeds is not widely known, which stands out due to its round shape and spicy taste.

To consume them as a remedy, we must grind or process them in a blender and consume them between meals for several consecutive days. We can also mix them with papaya juice.

3. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are the next item on the list of natural remedies against parasitic infections. They are rich in cucurbitin, an amino acid that paralyzes certain types of parasites and facilitates their elimination from the body.

If we already have parasites in the body, it is recommended to eat about 30 raw pumpkin seeds daily between meals. We can grind them to consume them easier. If we consume them in their natural form, we must chew them well to achieve the desired effect.

4. Ginger

Natural remedies against parasitic infections such as ginger

Ginger is a spice that stands out due to its spicy and refreshing taste. It has so many medicinal properties that we should consume it daily. Also, ginger is one of the most effective natural remedies against parasitic infections.

We can start the day with an infusion of ginger or combine it with a juice of fruits, for example, oranges, apples or pears. We can also use it to season certain sweet and salty dishes, for preventive purposes. Ginger gives flavor to food.

5. Cloves

Cloves are a spice with a strong smell and taste, which has been used frequently as a natural remedy since ancient times. However, they are not widely used today, mainly because their properties are unknown.

By consuming cloves on an empty stomach every morning, we will eliminate parasites. We can also use cloves as a spice in stews or even desserts.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a simple and affordable remedy, effective against parasites and, in general, for maintaining health. It is recommended to consume between meals, diluted in water.

Choose a type of pure, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. This way, you will make sure that it has retained its essential enzymes and probiotics. Apple cider vinegar is also a food that helps heal the intestinal flora after an infection.

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