6 Foods That Fight Gallstones

For both treatment and prevention of gallstones, it is essential to add high-fiber foods to your diet. 
6 foods that fight gallstones

Did you go to the doctor and find out that you have gallstones and that you need to change your diet? Did you know that there are foods that fight gallstones?

First of all, don’t lose your temper. Gallstones are not a serious disease. Usually, the doctor recommends a diet and a visit to the nutritionist to explain the needs of your body.

If this is not the case for you or if the information received is not complete, read on to find a list of foods that fight gallstones. 

What are gallstones?

Gallstones are small formations that form as a result of the accumulation of iron in the bladder. The bile helps to synthesize the fats consumed. Thus, if you have a diet high in unhealthy fats, it is possible to develop this medical problem.

Foods that fight gallstones

1. Whole grains

Foods that fight fiber-rich gallstones

A high-fiber diet helps eliminate fat and reduce the size of gallstones. In this regard, it is necessary to consume at least one serving of whole grains per day.

When they pass through the intestines, the fibers capture the excess bile juices and eliminate it. Thus, it is not reabsorbed and the ball is released.

Recommended foods are:

  • Wheat bran
  • Brown rice
  • oats

2. Buckwheat

Consumption of buckwheat helps to reduce the size of gallstones. This food is rich in soluble fiber, which is why it maintains a low level of body fat.

Buckwheat is rich in vitamins B and E and is an excellent source of minerals. If you like to eat bread, you can opt for an assortment with buckwheat, instead of wheat.

3. Citrus

Citrus fruits are foods that fight gallstones

Citrus fruits have properties that stimulate the elimination of bile and are included in the list of foods that fight gallstones. Therefore, it is advisable to add these fruits to your daily diet.

In addition, citrus fruits contain pectin. This substance is also needed for the removal of gallstones. You need to choose carefully how you add citrus fruits to your diet. For example, it is important to avoid juices, especially commercial ones.

  • It is best to eat the whole fruit. This way, you can get all the fiber and all the nutrients from the peel and pulp.
  • In addition, if you drink only the juice, it is possible to cause an increase in blood sugar, which causes other health problems.

4. Foods rich in lecithin

Certain components of bile, such as lecithin and phospholipids, prevent the formation of gallstones. When they are not consumed in the right amounts, you are more prone to the development of stones.

Consumption of foods rich in lecithin reduces the risk of gallstones, but also their size. Some examples are:

  • Oilseeds
  • soy
  • duckweed
  • Chickpeas
  • peas

We recommend that you add these foods to your daily diet, but consume them in moderation, as they are high in carbohydrates and can lead to weight gain.

5. Artichokes

Artichokes on the list of foods that fight gallstones

Artichokes can not be missing from the list of foods that fight gallstones. This vegetable improves the health of the liver and gallbladder due to its rich content of cinnarine.

We know that some people are not used to eating artichokes and we do not know how to add it to their diet. If you are one of them, maybe it’s time to try new recipes.

If you prefer something simpler, we recommend artichoke water:


  • 1 small artichoke
  • 4 cups water (1 liter)

Method of preparation

  • Wash and disinfect artichokes.
  • Put cold water and finely chopped artichokes in a bowl.
  • Let the mixture stand overnight.
  • The next day, strain the water and consume it throughout the day.

6. Grapes and blueberries

Grapes and blueberries have a high content of resveratrol, an antioxidant that combats possible damage caused by gallstones on the bladder.

If you are already on medical treatment, resveratrol can supplement it, contributing to a quick cure.

  • Ideally, you should consume half a cup of grapes or a cup of blueberries a day.
  • If you do not have any of these fruits at hand, we recommend that you drink half a cup of natural blueberry juice or a glass of red wine.

How to prevent the formation of gallstones?

If you already have gallstones, your doctor can give you the necessary instructions to dissolve them and fight the problem as quickly as possible.

If you have learned from a medical consultation that stones have recently formed, consider the following recommendations:

  • Don’t skip meals. 
  • Avoid getting fat.
  • Reduce the consumption of foods high in unhealthy fats. 

At the same time, do not forget to follow all the guidelines of the specialist doctor.

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