5 Topics To Talk About Before Moving In With

There are topics you need to discuss before moving in with your partner to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
5 topics to talk about before moving in with your partner

Although you spend a lot of time at home with each other, so much so that you have clothes and even an assigned closet, it is not the same as living together. Therefore, it is important to discuss at least 5 topics before moving in with your partner. Do you want to know what they are?

Well, we will approach them one by one, because we consider that they are essential for everything to go as well as possible. Living together as a couple can be complicated and can involve an unexpected breakup.

Topics that should be discussed before moving in with your partner

Living together can be a test for any relationship, as Silvia Congost explains. To avoid unnecessary conflicts, you need to approach certain more or less delicate topics together.

1. How the expenses will be divided

Will there be a joint account in which both members of the couple deposit a fixed amount each month for expenses? Will each member cover an expense? For example, one credit, another food and utilities. Clarifying this is essential.

Managing money is easy when you do not share the same space with your partner. Being unsure about how expenses will be managed can lead to easily avoidable conflicts. It is best to speak in advance.

How to talk calmly before moving in with your partner

2. Divide the tasks

Another topic you need to talk about before moving in with your partner is planning how you will share tasks. We refer to starting the washing machine, washing dishes, vacuuming, ironing clothes, etc. It may seem silly at first, but later you will appreciate early planning.

The ideal is to clarify the tasks. You may not mind making the bed or washing the floor, but your partner may hate these tasks. This needs to be discussed. A lot of problems will go away.

3. Organize the spaces

Maybe you work independently and need a home office. The organization of the spaces is very important in this case.

Also to live together does not mean you do not have each own place. It is possible for your partner to watch on TV a series that only he likes, while you dedicate yourself to plant fertilization. This is healthy for your relationship.

4. Set rules

When can friends or family come to visit? How will you organize your family meals? Do you accept pets? Can you smoke? Rules are needed to avoid problems and quarrels. In addition, it is important to communicate to the other person how you feel.

Imagine that you get tired from work and find a house full of people, because your partner did not let you know. You struggled to be calm! Well, the rules will prevent such situations from occurring.

5. Talk about expectations

Talking about expectations is important to avoid future problems related to living together. Imagine that in the future you will want to have animals at home, but your partner does not want to. Your partner may also want to buy a new home and rent it out.

All this needs to be clarified from the outset, as you will avoid a lot of problems. Having different expectations is not a bad thing.

Happy couple in new house

Topics to talk about before moving in with your partner are inevitable

Don’t wait. Clarify things from the beginning to avoid further problems. Living together as a couple is not easy. Sometimes conflicts arise because of things that are not clarified in time. Don’t let this happen!

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