5 Of The Rarest Cancers

The following rare types of cancer can become very aggressive, which is why it is essential to be diagnosed in the early stages so that the patient can act in time.
5 of the rarest types of cancer

You have certainly heard of breast, colon or ovarian cancer and you probably know various statistics about these terrible diseases. But there are many other types of cancer that you should not overlook in any way.

The types of cancer that we are going to present to you are little known,  because their frequency is low, and the chances of a normal person to develop them are minimal.

However, of the 71 existing cancers, only 11 are known to the general public.  Knowledge means power, so it doesn’t hurt to know something about the rarest types of cancer.

5 rare types of cancer

1. Cancer in the feet

Although the feet are not commonly associated with the term “cancer”, they can be affected by this disease. Tumors whose origin is in the foot often go unnoticed, and for this reason are very dangerous.

Do not hesitate to consult your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms in your feet:

  • Strange sensations
  • Swelling
  • Clumsiness

A podiatrist can detect cancer developed in this region and perform tests to find out if it is:

  • Bone cancer
  • Nerve cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Vascular cancer

The most common type of cancer that develops in the soles of the feet is skin cancer. If you are used to wearing sandals or your feet are frequently exposed to sunlight, it is advisable to start using sunscreen.

2. Vaginal cancer

Rare cancers in women

This rare type of cancer affects only about 1% of the female population. Women who have reached menopause are more likely to suffer from vaginal cancer, as well as those who have suffered from venereal diseases (infection with the Human Papilloma Virus).

The good news is that tumors caused by vaginal cancer are very small and can be easily removed through surgery. To avoid this type of cancer, women must schedule a gynecological check-up every year.

3. Cancer of the salivary glands

Enzymes produced by the salivary glands are essential for proper digestion of food and prevention of infections. For this reason, the next rare type of cancer affects the whole body.

Only one person in 100,000 suffers from cancer of the salivary glands. The symptoms of this disease are:

  • Nodules in the ears
  • Nodules on the cheeks
  • Nodules inside or around the mouth

Salivary gland cancer requires surgery and radiation therapy to fight it. However, if diagnosed in time, the patient’s chances of recovery are 90%.

Unlike other cancers, there is no direct link between salivary gland cancer and alcohol or tobacco use. What we know for sure is that this disease is strongly influenced by the patient’s genetic inheritance.

4. The chondrome

Types of spine cancer

Chondroma is a type of cancer that develops in the bones, especially in the spine. Only one person in a million is affected by this disease. Doctors found that these tumors grew from small remnants of cartilage that had developed improperly while the fetus was still in the womb.

Being one of the rarest types of cancer, specialists have difficulty studying the chondrome. There is still no consensus on the cause of the development of the disease, which could be hereditary factors.

The chondrome develops slowly and, due to the location of the tumor, is very aggressive and causes a lot of pain. The main symptoms associated with this type of cancer are:

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Double view (diplopia)
  • Collapse of bowel or bladder function
  • Tingling in the hands and feet

Chondroma is very resistant to radiation therapy, chemotherapy and drug treatments. Patients suffering from this disease should generally undergo surgery – a form of treatment that, due to the location and size of the tumor, can not always be performed.

Another factor that complicates treatment is the fact that doctors cannot always remove the entire chondrome, which means that recurrence of the disease is a real possibility.

5. Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma

The last rare type of cancer we want to present to you is mesenchymal chondrosarcoma, which affects cartilaginous tissue. It is such a rare disease that only 1,000 cases have been reported worldwide since 1959.

The rarity of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma is very good news, because this type of cancer is very aggressive and can spread to other organs early. Analyzing the known cases, the doctors found out the following information about mesenchymal chondrosarcoma:

  • In 2/3 of cases, the cancer originates in the bones of the spine, ribs or jaws.
  • In 1/3 of cases, the cancer originates in adipose or muscle tissue.

Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma can develop in any region of the body, but the symptoms of this disease are difficult to detect and monitor. It is best to contact your family doctor if you experience any problems and undergo annual medical investigations.

When mesenchymal chondrosarcoma develops close to the spine, the patient may experience loss of tactile sensitivity or even paralysis. The indicated treatment is surgery and chemotherapy.

Why is it important to have information about rare types of cancer?

Obviously, the main reason why most people have not heard of the diseases presented in this article is that all five are very rare. But it is for this reason that it is essential to know their symptoms. Remember, most cancers listed above are dangerous if not detected in time.

Whenever you notice a health problem, consult your doctor immediately. Although it is not at all good to be paranoid, you should not overlook the alarm signals that your body sends you.

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